Sunday, February 07, 2016

Cryptogram Tools, 6-hole dizi Fingering Charts, Earworm

I have seen many people that I know get married over the past few years. Of which, only one invited me to join in their joyous occasion, an invitation that I was, unfortunately, unable to reply favourably because I was in the middle of fighting for my sanity. It made me wonder a little in terms of just how people perceive me, friend or acquaintance: I am either such a serious person in their eyes that I am seemingly unable to share in their joy, or that I'm such a volatile person that they'd rather I not be there to make everyone think that they are not ``normal'' for having known a person like me.

Meh. I don't really think it matters. Some might even say that it is a blessing in disguise, since I am ``blessed'' in avoiding the dreaded ``red bomb''. If marriages are to be celebrated, and as a friend I'm not there, how do you think I feel?

Or do you really think that I do not feel at all?


In other news, I have managed to port enough of the cute-sy cryptogram tools from my old web site to my new one. Their landing page can be found here. Instead of a thousand-and-one different scripts implementing the various cipher systems, I had just one minified and compacted file instead. It also gave me an opportunity to experiment with JavaScript's notion of objects, particularly how inheritance is implemented (hint: it is not the same as in C++ or Java). So that's that.

Another rather hidden change is the re-release of my 6-hole dizi fingering charts. The basic one can be obtained from this URL while the complete one can be obtained from this other URL. The biggest difference of these new fingering charts from the the old is the removal of our dependence on MSWord to provide the layout. Both files are constructed from UTF-8 text files with little to no trickery, using this little tool that I had featured before to produce the PostScript file that gets converted into a PDF via ps2pdf. That little tool has been updated to include the glyphs from the SMP (plane 1 of the Unicode; plane 0 is regular BMP), but I had refrained from using those in the documents because there was no easy way to read the entire document at once since there is no font in the world now that can have more than 65535 glyphs at once.

But no matter. The stuff from the SMP are more useful for generating jianpu documents than fingering charts.

The more complete chart of the two has a whole bunch of new fingerings for notes that are higher than the E'-fingering using Boehm fingering notation. I have tested them on my NTS G-bangdi and have certified them as reachable, albeit stupidly. It remains for me to test those out on a qudi for additional verification, and then there's of course the translation of that to the dadi, which, having one more hole in between F♯ and E, meant that it has the chance to achieve a more precise hold on the various harmonics necessary to hit the super high notes.

What I was most proud of for the lists was discovering the G'♯ fingering that works. It works, but is excessively breathy on the bangdi---I will need to refine that a bit more, as well as confirm it on a qudi of some sort where the higher harmonics tend to be easier to reach.

All these and more will be described in fuller detail when I get about towards writing the dizi pedagogy pages.


Finally, I have finally found the bloody ear worm that was stuck since 2012. Here it is:And in case that video gets taken down, ``The Way Back Into Love''. And this:Maybe neither will get tossed out.

And that's all for today.