Tuesday, September 04, 2012


V unir orra guvaxvat nobhg guvf sbe n juvyr, ba naq bss. Nf vg gheaf bhg, V jvyy arire or unccl va jungrire V qb. Vg frrzf gung gur gvzrf gung V jnf gehyl unccl jnf jura V jnf qrrcyl vaibyirq va zl zhfvp, or vg yrneavat n arj cvrpr, be npghnyyl cresbezvat ng n pbapreg bs fbzr fbeg. Znlor sbe zr, unccvarff vf nobhg punyyratvat zlfrys jvgu gung xabjvat srryvat gung V pna zrrg gur punyyratr orpnhfr V srry pbzcrgrag rabhtu.

Gung vf, fnqyl, abg jung V nz srryvat gurfr qnlf. Vg vf na rzbgvba gung vf ernyyl uneq gb pbzr gb tevcf jvgu. V nz frevbhfyl jbaqrevat vs guvf vf orpnhfr bs gur raivebazrag, gur glcrf bs crbcyr V nz vagrenpgvat jvgu, be gur fperjl fgngr bs zvaq gung V unir orra va. Gurer vf guvf frafr bs qrfcnve gung vf whfg sybngvat nobhg zl urnq, jung jvgu nyy gur artngvivgl fheebhaqvat vg. Vg vf fhssbpngvat, vg vf greevoyr, vg vf qrovyvgngvat. V dhrfgvba zl fnavgl gvzr naq gvzr ntnva, ohg V xrrc ba zl genwrpgbel.

V qba'g xabj jura jnf vg gung V yrneag gb eha njnl sebz guvatf vafgrnq bs tbvat sbe vg, urnq-ba jvgu thfgb naq synve. Znlor gung snvyrq ybat grez eryngvbafuvc unf fbherq zl vaangr abgvba bs gur tbbq bs uhznavgl, znlor zl plavpvfz unf svanyyl pnhtug hc jvgu zr---V qba'g ernyyl xabj. Ohg V xabj gung guvatf ner abg tbvat avpryl.

V funyy fgbc urer. V qba'g ernyyl xabj jung ryfr gb fnl. Znlor yvfgravat gb cvrprf yvxr ``Ubyq ba gb lbhe ybir'' unir n jnl bs njnxravat zl gehr srryvatf nf pbzcnerq gb rirelguvat ryfr. V nz gheavat vagb n uhfx bs n zna snfgre guna V jbhyq vzntvar.

Jung vf jebat jvgu zr?

Monday, September 03, 2012

Hold On [To] Your Love

I love this piece from the K-On! soundtrack.It is a nostalgic piece, occurring when the adviser of the HTT group Sawako sensei (山中 さわ子) was talking about her past love and role as a former member of the previous Light Music Club band (Death Devil). I love the intro and outro---there's this something wistful in it that is hard to put into words, but you know it is there when it tugs at your heart strings just so. The main guitar solo is very energised, as though one were thinking about the fiery passions that happened in the past. It's not a particularly long piece, but it is really impactful.

It reminds me of myself right now. Like how I'm sitting here, thinking about my glory days from back when I was in school, all the triumphs and setbacks, remembering the major episodes in my life that had just passed. And now, as I sit here, I realise that it was all in the past, and I can never relive it again except in such a vicarious manner.

Music---conveying emotions without words.