It's slightly more than a month since I had written anything here, and I assure you that all and any rumours of my demise have been exaggerated.
November is almost done, and with it, this year's installment of NaNoWriMo. This year's entry is a little more angsty than the one's before, and is basically an accumulation of all the odd things that have occurred to me, heavily fictionised of course. As always, grab manuscript from my personal domain. It is merely reflective of the first draft as was done on or around November 20, with no attempts at editing for clarity or conciseness.
I am uncertain if NaNoWriMo is going to continue to be appealling to me in the future. It feels as though that I have told most of the stories that I wanted to tell, and it was getting increasingly hard to come up with newer original concepts without devolving into the realm of fan-fiction. I suppose I can always go back to the fantasy settings like my 2012 entry, but I've been living in the real world for so long that I'm more grounded in reality than before---writing fantasy that does not have some inkling of plausibility has lost its allure, which isn't much considering that I never really had the aptitude for it in the first place. I can't do world-building any more, again because I'm too grounded in this reality to keep living in a reality that I built in my head.
But I have a whole year to think about things, so we shall wait till around this time next year before we decide if we are still continuing. For the sake of a streak, I may just soldier on. It is a good way of having of venting out all the words that I had been keeping inside me for the rest of the year.
In other news, I'm turning into a dizi pedagogue, what with all the new young'uns who are now turning up at my CO. Teaching is hard, and what makes it harder is teaching something that requires fine motor control to a bunch of children who aren't exactly having good fine motor control to begin with. I'm not frustrated yet, but it does leave me with little time to refine the skills of my juniors in the orchestra, something that I think may be more important in the short and middle term. It's sometimes hard to attempt to think carefully about the pedagogy because I'm attempting to use highly scientific/abstract principles to describe things in a field that is traditionally less so---I've got to control for the different levels of understanding, as well as the difference between narrow specialisation and generalised knowledge of the field. All these factors contribute towards the need to sacrifice conciseness of presentation and abstraction with something that is more verbose and specialised without ever drawing the big things together into a refined and refactored form.
If that paragraph made no sense, don't worry about it. It's just complicated.
December is fast approaching, and like the rest of this year so far, it is getting more hectic instead of less. It is almost as though everyone had decided without actually deciding a priori to line everything that needs doing all at one go and demand outcomes all before the year number rolls over to the next. Ah well, such is the nature of life/work.
I don't think there's anything else I'd like to write here. Just thought it a nice gesture to have some update on my blog, even though maybe no more than five actual people I know are actively reading it.
Till the next update I suppose.