Oh December! Where to begin?
We're almost on the home stretch towards the end of the roller-coaster ride we call 2016, and as far as the world is concerned, things seem to be settling down a bit. An apparent demagogue got voted into power in the Land of Opportunity, an old Colonial Power decided to leave the club of former colonial powers, lots of celebrities died, and much more nonsense abound.
But the year is almost done.
Some things that had been part of the plan have to be changed due to circumstances---I am, of course, no longer talking about the world but about my own slice of the world at large---but the extension of the deadline for things that need to be settled doesn't throw too big a wrench into the works, as far as I can tell.
Jump cutting a little, the latest instalment of the TGIO party for NaNoWriMo was a cosy affair like always. Cake was had, conversations turned weird (as always!) and much rejoicing ensued. Some of the old faces showed up again, and there were a couple of new faces who got over their initial shyness and helped to drive the conversations into the weird dimensions where they ought to belong. I couldn't stay for long because of my CO rehearsals, but it was still a good party. I'm a little miffed that the years I was part of the Overseas Word Wars team, we managed to lose, while the years where I was not a part of the Overseas team, they get to win. Man, the fellow word warriors of my time sure sucked. Heheheh...
Jump cutting yet again, more meet ups occurred during the past week or so, and it was an interesting experience. It's getting clear that those of us in my age group are really starting to transit into adult-hood, willingly or not. Even what constitutes as ``fun'' has changed throughout the years.
All in all, a relatively good start for December. I wonder what 2017 holds.