This post should have gone out earlier, but well, things happen, so what's to be expected?
I did not write anything about last year's NaNoWriMo entry. It's been a year since then, and the situation that inspired its genesis has become the new norm. So I think there's no point trying to avoid the topic any more.
Gur fvghngvba ng jbex unq qrgrevbengrq bire gur cnfg gjb lrnef (bar lrne ng gur cbvag bs gur AnAbJevZb ragel). Guvatf jrer punatrq engure noehcgyl, naq znal crbcyr jrer fhssvpvragyl zvssrq gung gurl jnyxrq njnl. Vg fgnegrq uvtu ng gur gbc, jvgu zbfg bs gur yvrhgranagf yrnivat. Vg gura fybjyl znqr vgf jnl qbja gur uvrenepul gvyy vg ernpurq fbzrjurer arne gur crba yriry, jurer V nz ng. Nybat gur jnl, znal orpnzr qvfvyyhfvbarq, be sryg gung gurve cebsrffvbanyvfz jnf abg orvat erfcrpgrq, be sryg gung va gur ovq gb ``qb zber jvgu yrff'', gurl jrer orvat fhowrpgrq gb qenfgvp nygrengvbaf bs gurve wbo fpbcr gung gurl jbhyq engure jnyx njnl sebz vg qrfcvgr abg univat nalguvat ryfr yvarq hc. Vg jnf, va fubeg, qrcerffvat, naq vf fgvyy fbzrjung fb.
As for this year' NaNoWriMo entry, it was largely influenced by a cross between Das Kapital and the story arcs in The Venture Brothers, with influences from the rather sorry state in which the world is in now. It's probably more of a precursor to a new world in which other stories can be written about than any specific social commentary-type writing.
I think that's all I care to write about now. I had planned for a longer piece earlier, but thanks to various interruptions, I've lost track of what I wanted to say.
Till the next update.