Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fun Employed

I'm working elsewhere now.

After two or so months of being funemployed, I am finally fun employed, though I am technically still within the period of my probation. Unless something utterly catastrophic happens, I am likely to pass my probation and be a permanent addition to the company.

I look back upon the path that got me to where I am, and I am amazed at the number of happy coincidences that have occurred just so that I am here where I am. Happy coincidences---that's the phrase I have chosen to describe what I had observed. I am sure that had things turned out differently, I would say the same about the path that had taken me there---after all, when one's expectations are generalised to maximise an overall mean metric, the number of states that fall in the ``good'' outcome category is significantly larger than having a very specific expectation.

I could have gone elsewhere should I choose to pursue it, but I have chosen not to. Many might think me mad for not choosing the ``obviously'' better route that guarantees a larger compensation package. But a fat pay cheque is not my primary objective after all. Inasmuch as I had said many times in the past that I was basically a loner, the reality of it all is that I still crave company among my people. Going elsewhere would make me a transplant, a leaf in the wind with no roots, a culture mendicant who is forced to re-enculturate oneself with the new place, losing a substantial amount of one's cultural character all in the name of assimilation.

I don't think I can do that. I have inadvertently sunk my roots deep without my realising. That which I derive the most pleasure and happiness from are the things that I cannot find elsewhere.

Maybe this closes some doors. That's fine---I'm past the age where I expect a boundless future. I'm old enough that next year the government has to acknowledge that I am an old geezer who ought to qualify on his own merits a subsidy and a chance at bidding for his own tiny apartment without necessarily having to find a spouse. But even with an infinite number of doors, the length of my personal path and choices have always been finite; so with the closing of some doors, maybe it isn't that bad after all.


In different news, I'm finally fed up enough with having to lug 90kg of ass around to want to do something about it. Considering that my physical ``training'' is basically nil at this point, it seems the right time to use a strong caloric deficit to drag that 90kg down to something more in tune with an ``acceptable'' mass of sub-65kg (using a value of <23 kg/m² as the guide), with a waist measurement of sub-35in (<90cm). The manner I am pulling this off is to run off only one meal a day, currently chosen to be dinner, and chug water at a rate of no more than 1 litre/hr. The last time I tried this was a failure because the calorie deficit was too steep for my body to keep up---I was doing aikijujutsu twice a week, which burnt a lot more energy than my sedentary lifestyle now. It ended me blacking out in the middle of training.

To prevent death through steady loss of essential micronutrients through such a poor diet schema, I am also taking a multivitamin daily.

So far, so good. But we'll really see the effects of such change in a few months' time. After all, it took me thirty over years to become a 90kg lardass.

Till the next update then.