Monday, October 09, 2006

Getting a high

Interesting weekend. As usual, I spent most of my time sleeping, which, considering the fact that I'm up for more than 19 hours a day, is more of a necessity than a luxury. Then, there was a screening of the show The PaperChase at the auditorium by my freshmen advisor. Great movie, that is; anyone who needs inspiration should attempt to seek out this little gem and learn from it.

Anyway, the high point came when we left the auditorium and stumbled upon some graduate students who were doing some complexity analysis problems. Paul asked some interesting question and the grad student who was heading the discussion started to talk about lambda calculus. Boy, that really made my day.

Alas, it is now time to finish up the homework. Oh, I downed 2 litres worth of diet Coke, so I should have enough energy to figure out how the homework should be done. ;-)

1 comment:

meisee said...

coke is grosS. =X