Saturday, February 03, 2007

It's 3:31am here, and...

It's 3:31am here, and I haven't the foggiest clue why I'm still awake. It's so ridiculous that I don't even want to venture a guess. Okay, back to main point.

It's been a long long long ... long week. Homework due almost every other day, bad program specifications (thus making me waste time debugging ugh), weird boolean algebra (why is the homework assigned from chapter 9 when we've scarcely covered chapter 3?), combinatorial game analysis (Hackenbush in "bamboo pole" form is just Nim), combinatorics (at least some thing that is easier, despite it being a level 300 course), paper writing (1 English essay draft to be ready next week, 1 math paper due next week), epoxying my broken watch and my 箫.

Damn, my room smells weird from the fumes of the epoxy. :-(

So, yeah. I've also been half-sick for the most part, which is another ridiculous thing that occurred. *yawnz* Blogging when one is half spaced out is really not a good idea... dunno if I'm coherent or not.

So after so long, I've decided to cut down all the insulation for Winter. That's right, I've started to do jogging. Not out in the cold, but on a treadmill in the gym that is just so close to where I live. I don't really have a choice there... am running out of jeans that I can wear, so I must do something about it. Actually, the main reason was the sad discovery that my legs aren't moving as fast as before; all the fat simply gets in the way and slows down my gait. If there's one thing that I don't really like, it is to be walking slowly when I'm supposed to be able to go further with my "trademark" large gait.

I'm behind in filing stuff now. Will probably spend the rest of the day doing that.

Maybe, if I still have energy, I'll do some work on a new blog that I've wanted to bring out, but have been tardying over...

Guess that's a wrap for now.

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