Monday, October 25, 2010

Gurgle Burgle

I know this sounds clichéd, but time really does pass in a blink of an eye, especially when there are lots to be done. Work has been plentiful and is reaching the stage where it is actually beginning to be intellectually fulfilling, not that it wasn't so earlier, it's just that right about now, it does feel more fulfilling than before. In some senses, knowing the direction that I am taking does have a way of providing the self-confidence that I so desperately need.

But of course, at times I'm still highly hesitant and doubtful about what I am doing. Goes with the job I suppose. Life is full of unpredictable elements, and no matter how prepared one is, the best state that one can ever be is to be consoled by the fact that one has at one's disposal resources that one believes will cover the eventualities that one has thought of. The general lack of imagination of humankind in this regard often means that in spite of the very best planning and preparation, there is still a possibility of getting caught unawares.

Anyway, digressions again... I ought to remind myself to quit writing blog entries so late at night. True, the mind is most free from the normal confines of reality at this time, but at the same time, there is a distinct lack of coherence that is ever-present.

Let's try this again.
The last two weeks have had a strange effect on me. Ever since I had that stress fracture on my fibula from a rather overzealous and overambitious plan for running (what? that plan overzealous?), I have been mostly confined indoors. Hell, I've even had to stop my Aikido training for this month (and most likely the next also) so that the fracture will heal over.

Folks who seemingly cared for me have asked me time and time again to have it checked out by a doctor, but I know better than that. It's only a stress fracture, nothing too serious, and the best thing that I can do for it is to just rest it well. Casts are not going to be useful in this case at all, and there will be the whole expense associated with the diagnostics required to confirm what I already know from day eight onwards. Not that I find the concern annoying... I'm just not used to being cared for by folks that way.

So with two more evenings of the week freed up temporarily, I suddenly find myself with time that I can spend on introspection, which is at times a refreshing process. I like introspecting, it is sort of my way of getting some therapeutic effect through the whole ``thinking it through'' process. Of course, many of these thoughts are only for my consumption, and so I will not even allude to them here.

Okay, I've exhausted my words for the day. Next time.

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