Sunday, February 20, 2011


I have been debating about writing this entry for quite a while now, but I suppose the feeling innate me to write something has prevailed after all. And so, a depressing entry awaits you, the intrepid reader (no more of that ``blogder'' nonsense).

This world has no such thing as mercy. The very essence of mercy is a human created concept, just like the ideas of justice and generosity. If the natural law were to be taken at its full implication, that if we are willing to sacrifice the anthropic principle for just a moment, then it is clear that in the ``natural world'', there is really no such thing as mercy.

Reality is often a very cruel place. ``Might is right'' is a concept that is universally upheld, even in the modern societies that pride themselves on their generally strong concepts of civil rights and fairness. The only difference of course lies in the very definition of what ``might'' means in the context. In the past, even before the rise of human civilisation, ``might'' translates to being the strongest, the fastest or the wittiest; now, it translates to meaning whoever has the stronger economical, political and ethical stands, in general descending order of importance.

Then what is mercy? Mercy can be seen as an escape mechanism that the lesser privileged can use to get out of the general ``might is right'' principle. The idea is that by appealling to ``mercy'', the weak/conquered can elicit a positive response from the strong/conqueror, and can thus obtain an overall positive outcome for themselves, i.e. the ability to get away from whatever they were stuck in. Unfortunately, in the modern world where people are sticklers for rules and the such, mercy may only be appealled to, but not necessarily given.

There is no mercy in this world.

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