Tuesday, October 07, 2014


I don't really have bursts of creativity. Hell, I doubt the very premise that I'm somehow a creative person. But I try to do my bit of innovation, be it for work or even for my own personal growth and development.

Something about never wanting to be in the herd.

It's an old thing of mine to never move in the same direction as everyone else. It's a habit I sort of picked up along the way, unintentionally at first, but now more deliberate than not.

The road less taken is the road that is most interesting, since by virtue of it being less taken means that the sights and sounds that come with it are never cliches. Avoiding cliches is paramount to living a fulfilling life -- somehow I suspect that the meaning of life is to generate and live through surprises, i.e. the things that are out of the ordinary for a life.

In more material terms, it means doing what you love, going where you want, and loving who you want without restrictions from silly social norms and mores.

It sounds mildly anarchic, this I will admit. Social norms and mores exist for the reason of allowing larger groups of people to work and live in closer proximity and at higher densities that are possible from a more egalitarian approach, but they do not mean that all of their rules and rituals need to be obeyed blindly. This means that one may follow the social norms and mores when interacting with others, but outside of the sphere of interaction, one should be at liberty to dictate one's terms on living life.

Which makes anything that borders on autocracy is an antithesis to living. Innovation may come from bending around rules through creative interpretation, but slap too many rules on and it becomes too much of a hassle to attempt any sort of innovation whatsoever. Where there's no innovation, there's no life as we know it, and this is a problem that we will be facing in our generation. Hard work and deep thinking are what makes the world go round, not going through cliches after cliches in leading one's life.

Imagine the combined creative power of everyone who thinks critically for themselves.

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