Thursday, October 22, 2015


So one of my younger sisters got married recently. I'm happy for her, and wish her all the best.

The day itself had been rather tiring for me, and I am still feeling its effects today. A long day was spent with my relatives. I had expected the worst of it, but everyone turned out to behave rather well, which was a relief. A cousin-in-law of mine termed my role being there as a ``bouncer'', and I think it suits what I was doing to a tee and will use that term from there on instead of ``enforcer'', the term I had been using whenever I had to be present at a family event. The reasons for that will be left unsaid here -- send me a message or something to find out more, if you care to.

I wish I could write more, but I'm really out of material for now. Maybe next update.

Also, did I mention that NaNoWriMo is coming soon?

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