Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Contentless Blurb

I haven't written anything here in a while. There isn't anything much to bitch about recently, so I've that going for me, which is always nice.

Sometimes life is just that simple. I wake up, I get to work, I do some work, I go home, I relax, I rest. No fuss.

Sometimes of course life will through you a curve ball and you'd be fighting for your life, living from one adrenaline moment to the next. It would be nice if those moments were far and few, and thankfully for most people, that is the case.

Man, I'm already rambling before I am done with saying what I...

...well I have nothing much to say.

I should really be adding more content to my personal domain. There's at least some of the old run-on-computer projects that I still have to put up, and then there's the code rewrite for a few more tools that were in the experimental phase before I did the redesign.

Alright, I think I'm done here. This post is more to show that I'm still alive and relatively alright than anything else.

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