Saturday, January 04, 2020

Quick Summary

So, a quick summary of what I had written in 2019:
  1. 2 poems posted here
  2. 8 essays/rants posted here
  3. 0 prose/stories posted here
  4. 1 NaNoWriMo winning entry available here
  5. 3 pieces of compositions/rearrangements posted here
And thus the grand total here is 14 articles, up from the 12 articles in 2018.

That's an average of 0.038 pieces of writing a day, compared to 0.033 last year. It's horrifically low, but it is, as I mentioned before, a natural progression as life starts to fall into a discernible pattern.

2019 was a mixed bag. On the one hand, I think I've hit a new high with what I can do on my 笛子 and concert flute, and Chara and I have never been closer than where we were at in 2019 when she has finally rebased herself in Singapore. On the other hand, anti-work management at my old work place forced me to make the hard decision to leave it and head out to the great unknown, where I am now working for a medium enterprise, in the middle of a project that was started on a wrong foot and that we are trying to salvage as best as we can. It is a difficult position, to say the least, because I'm used to starting on a good foot, winning the initiative and then just running ahead with it, and never allowing myself to fall behind. This project is the very anti-thesis of how I would normally be running it, and there are many times where I feel that perhaps I am not doing good enough.

An emergent issue came up in my health that can hopefully be resolved with a minor surgery, and that has finally moved along, after getting stalled at the Polyclinic referral stage due to weirdness in their processes in reaching out to patients.

2020 is going to be a tough year. Geo-politically, things are likely to get even weirder with all the big players starting to flex their muscles really hard. Apart from that, at a personal level, there are many other things that are happening that I do not necessarily have control over. I cannot even see past the March 2020 horizon for some reason---that is how myopic I feel at times.

Ah well. As I keep saying to myself, life goes on.

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