Tsukumo Sana of Hololive -Council- is graduating on Jul 31. It is a piece of news that has been out slightly more than a week ago today.
That's the first graduation from anyone in the Hololive English branch.
There's a sense of loss, and a sense of gladness from having had the chance to watch her streams ever so often.
Thought it was important to note this, considering that this time-ish last year, Kiryu Coco done her final stream in her persona.
It's been a rough week. Work required me to put together a presentation to brief a mixed audience, and it was quite tricky to get it just right. The presentation is tomorrow afternoon, and it will be the first time in a long while that I did some public presentation.
Here's a prayer to God for a successful briefing, for I have done all that I can, and everything else is up to Him.
My skin's been flaring up in rashes as the weather heats up with increased humidity. That definitely did not do me any favours.
I've completed two thirds of the Zero Escape series, leaving only Zero Time Dilemma to go. I like the series---the story may be a bit kooky, but come on, I can't keep reading Planning Algorithms all day without an outlet to relax from all the heavy math, right?
Anyway, this entry is quite incoherent; I am well aware of that. Just felt like dumping out some things that are in my head without necessarily trying to make any points.
Till the next update.
An eclectic mix of thoughts and views on life both in meat-space and in cyber-space, focusing more on the informal observational/inspirational aspect than academic rigour.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Long Weekend Rant
It's a long weekend. While most started theirs on Saturday (to segue into Monday), mine began on Friday.
Because I chose to take a leave day to make it go for a full four days instead of ``just'' the three.
And why would I do that, one might wonder.
A good question that, unfortunately, I have no answer to. I just felt that it was necessary to take that extra day, and so I took it.
Was it worth that one-day of paid time off? Well... it's already accounted for (otherwise it won't be called ``paid time off''), and since I have no intention to travel during these few years, it will always be worth it.
Contrary to popular belief, single people do have their own lives to lead too, even if their lives do not revolve around running after their own children, or trying to pamper some significant other.
There is nothing inherently valueless doing something that one likes that does not harm/involve others, even if it is way off what is mainstream and/or considered acceptable.
Anyone who is trying to force their own interpretation of what is right upon others is a giant asshole. And yes, this statement is directed also to those who claim to be followers of Christ as well.
Not referencing Roe v Wade and/or 377A in SIN city in particular, I am just tired of hearing any particular groups of people who follow this pattern:
The rules that one believes in are only applicable to oneself because of one's faith---it is therefore important for the one who believes to fulfill the requirements of those rules. It is not the case that one's belief in a certain set of rules gives them the power and automatic right to force others to subscribe to the same beliefs through enforcing these rules from faith/belief on others. It sickens me to a great degree whenever I hear of people claiming that this is the way to bring more of the unsaved towards Christ (obviously this comment is only targetted at those who use the Lord's name to justify their heinous actions).
Last I checked from Scripture, Jesus didn't tell us to drag people kicking and screaming towards believing in Him as their saviour. In fact, there is a strong sense of the Great Commission being the spreading of the gospel of salvation through the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and letting the Holy Spirit sort out the individual's eventual spiritual alignment towards something that is more pleasing to God.
And the last I checked Scripture, God did not make Man to be a mindless follower---Man has the ability to think and decide whether to worship God or to reject God, either action having their own consequences.
So why do we still have such coercive behaviours, many of which are proclaimed to be of divine inspiration in the name of God?
The easiest and probably most correct answer is to refer to the point that Man is a sinful creature, always being tempted by his own desires, and not keeping his life centred around that of God. As long as the flesh remains, we will forever be sinners---it takes time and effort for our fleshly selves to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us towards godliness.
The problem with this easy and most correct answer is that it relies heavily on the reader agreeing with the tenets of my faith, a tall order to ask for.
Which is why secularity is a thing that was eventually borne out of the old theocratic institutions. It is not that God's Word is wrong, but that we try too hard to directly transpose first century writings from a culturally homogenous set up of God's chosen people to the twenty-first century cosmopolitan diversity that globalisation and hyper-connectedness brings, and this is not even counting the inevitable corruption from incumbency and personal interests of the human executors.
All words as recorded are to communicate the same fundamental principles to the people whom the words are written for, and to take such words two thousand years later at face value is disingenious. Scripture is literal and inerrant---it is written and inspired by God, but is penned down by Man. God is unknowable; His reality is also unknowable. Therefore His Word should be taken as God trying to dumb things down to a level that allows us to understand, without dumbing it down too much that it is wrong. Reality isn't a bag of words---reality just is, inasmuch as God is just I AM. Thus, any sequence of words that claims to describe reality necessarily is incomplete in some manner, and will require interpretation.
It is that gap of interpretation that gave theocratic systems of ruling people the opportunity to corrupt the teachings and twist things that can benefit them carnally. It did not help that much of the world was illiterate, which gave the clerics a monopoly of the actual reading (and thus interpretation) of Scripture.
Secularity tries to attain some form of unity through reducing the errors that are possible from interpretation by relying on objectively measurable outcomes, in the hopes that using something objective allows any doubters to simply pull up their measurement tools and measure reality accordingly, with no need to agree upon the tenets of someone else's faith. My acceptance of God and someone else's rejection of God does not change the mass of one kilogram of sugar, because, nor does it change the generally objective principle of ``killing another person without provocation is not acceptable''.
The devil, as they always say, is in the details. It is one thing for one to keep to the rules of one's faith strictly, and it is another to force someone else who doesn't believe/care about one's faith to do the same---while it seems like a good idea because we are making people follow what we know to be right, it is A Bad Thing.
Because if ``we'' can force others to follow ``our'' rules/interpretations because ``we'' are currently in power, then it sets a precedent for ``they'' whom do not agree with ``our'' rules/interpretations to force ``us'' to follow ``their'' rules/interpretations when ``they'' come to power. Human power plays are always dynamic, and there is never any way of knowing if any group will suddenly gain power through happenstance (or God's Will).
Comparing that against keeping it generally at the lowest common denominator (or what we call more ``universal'' principles), I'd take the latter as it is the most fair for all of us, even though we are pretty sure that the other side is wrong [for the sole reason that they do not follow our faith]. An uneasy truce in a way, but it at least provides a social contract that allows for an objectively better outcome of the society on the whole without having to fight against the mass that is cosmopolitan diversity.
Does this nullify the various positions on modern day problems that our faith ``demands'' that we take? No, it doesn't---the secularity rules give us the right to police ourselves more harshly on our own if we choose to do so, and it protects us from being policed by others whose faith we do not follow. Short of evicting all who do not follow our faith, this is the next best thing that allows us freedom of faith, and freedom of association.
If we were alone, we can do whatever we want. Unfortunately for all, we live in a society, and as long as we are living in a society, we will undoubtedly have to interact with many other people, and not all of them are ``like'' us. The objectiveness that undergirds the concept of secularity then is the way to protect us from them (inasmuch as it is a way of protecting them from us) by forcing communication to be on terms that can be verified with a framework based on falsifiability.
So, what's the point of writing all these?
What's the point of existing on earth?
Till the next update.
Because I chose to take a leave day to make it go for a full four days instead of ``just'' the three.
And why would I do that, one might wonder.
A good question that, unfortunately, I have no answer to. I just felt that it was necessary to take that extra day, and so I took it.
Was it worth that one-day of paid time off? Well... it's already accounted for (otherwise it won't be called ``paid time off''), and since I have no intention to travel during these few years, it will always be worth it.
Contrary to popular belief, single people do have their own lives to lead too, even if their lives do not revolve around running after their own children, or trying to pamper some significant other.
There is nothing inherently valueless doing something that one likes that does not harm/involve others, even if it is way off what is mainstream and/or considered acceptable.
Anyone who is trying to force their own interpretation of what is right upon others is a giant asshole. And yes, this statement is directed also to those who claim to be followers of Christ as well.
Not referencing Roe v Wade and/or 377A in SIN city in particular, I am just tired of hearing any particular groups of people who follow this pattern:
- Claim that a certain behaviour is prescribed by their rule book (be it Scripture or something else);
- Declare that anything that falls outside of said prescription is heretical;
- Persecute others whose faith does not include said rule book for not following the prescribed behaviour;
- ...while hypocritically not following their own rule book properly.
The rules that one believes in are only applicable to oneself because of one's faith---it is therefore important for the one who believes to fulfill the requirements of those rules. It is not the case that one's belief in a certain set of rules gives them the power and automatic right to force others to subscribe to the same beliefs through enforcing these rules from faith/belief on others. It sickens me to a great degree whenever I hear of people claiming that this is the way to bring more of the unsaved towards Christ (obviously this comment is only targetted at those who use the Lord's name to justify their heinous actions).
Last I checked from Scripture, Jesus didn't tell us to drag people kicking and screaming towards believing in Him as their saviour. In fact, there is a strong sense of the Great Commission being the spreading of the gospel of salvation through the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and letting the Holy Spirit sort out the individual's eventual spiritual alignment towards something that is more pleasing to God.
And the last I checked Scripture, God did not make Man to be a mindless follower---Man has the ability to think and decide whether to worship God or to reject God, either action having their own consequences.
So why do we still have such coercive behaviours, many of which are proclaimed to be of divine inspiration in the name of God?
The easiest and probably most correct answer is to refer to the point that Man is a sinful creature, always being tempted by his own desires, and not keeping his life centred around that of God. As long as the flesh remains, we will forever be sinners---it takes time and effort for our fleshly selves to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us towards godliness.
The problem with this easy and most correct answer is that it relies heavily on the reader agreeing with the tenets of my faith, a tall order to ask for.
Which is why secularity is a thing that was eventually borne out of the old theocratic institutions. It is not that God's Word is wrong, but that we try too hard to directly transpose first century writings from a culturally homogenous set up of God's chosen people to the twenty-first century cosmopolitan diversity that globalisation and hyper-connectedness brings, and this is not even counting the inevitable corruption from incumbency and personal interests of the human executors.
All words as recorded are to communicate the same fundamental principles to the people whom the words are written for, and to take such words two thousand years later at face value is disingenious. Scripture is literal and inerrant---it is written and inspired by God, but is penned down by Man. God is unknowable; His reality is also unknowable. Therefore His Word should be taken as God trying to dumb things down to a level that allows us to understand, without dumbing it down too much that it is wrong. Reality isn't a bag of words---reality just is, inasmuch as God is just I AM. Thus, any sequence of words that claims to describe reality necessarily is incomplete in some manner, and will require interpretation.
It is that gap of interpretation that gave theocratic systems of ruling people the opportunity to corrupt the teachings and twist things that can benefit them carnally. It did not help that much of the world was illiterate, which gave the clerics a monopoly of the actual reading (and thus interpretation) of Scripture.
Secularity tries to attain some form of unity through reducing the errors that are possible from interpretation by relying on objectively measurable outcomes, in the hopes that using something objective allows any doubters to simply pull up their measurement tools and measure reality accordingly, with no need to agree upon the tenets of someone else's faith. My acceptance of God and someone else's rejection of God does not change the mass of one kilogram of sugar, because, nor does it change the generally objective principle of ``killing another person without provocation is not acceptable''.
The devil, as they always say, is in the details. It is one thing for one to keep to the rules of one's faith strictly, and it is another to force someone else who doesn't believe/care about one's faith to do the same---while it seems like a good idea because we are making people follow what we know to be right, it is A Bad Thing.
Because if ``we'' can force others to follow ``our'' rules/interpretations because ``we'' are currently in power, then it sets a precedent for ``they'' whom do not agree with ``our'' rules/interpretations to force ``us'' to follow ``their'' rules/interpretations when ``they'' come to power. Human power plays are always dynamic, and there is never any way of knowing if any group will suddenly gain power through happenstance (or God's Will).
Comparing that against keeping it generally at the lowest common denominator (or what we call more ``universal'' principles), I'd take the latter as it is the most fair for all of us, even though we are pretty sure that the other side is wrong [for the sole reason that they do not follow our faith]. An uneasy truce in a way, but it at least provides a social contract that allows for an objectively better outcome of the society on the whole without having to fight against the mass that is cosmopolitan diversity.
Does this nullify the various positions on modern day problems that our faith ``demands'' that we take? No, it doesn't---the secularity rules give us the right to police ourselves more harshly on our own if we choose to do so, and it protects us from being policed by others whose faith we do not follow. Short of evicting all who do not follow our faith, this is the next best thing that allows us freedom of faith, and freedom of association.
If we were alone, we can do whatever we want. Unfortunately for all, we live in a society, and as long as we are living in a society, we will undoubtedly have to interact with many other people, and not all of them are ``like'' us. The objectiveness that undergirds the concept of secularity then is the way to protect us from them (inasmuch as it is a way of protecting them from us) by forcing communication to be on terms that can be verified with a framework based on falsifiability.
So, what's the point of writing all these?
What's the point of existing on earth?
Till the next update.
Sunday, July 03, 2022
Energy Vampirism, Ko'an, Spike Chunsoft, HoloCure
It's July now, isn't it?
How time flies. More than half-way through the year, and by extension, more than half way through my new-ish life.
Many things have remained the same, but some things have changed quite drastically.
That ``middle age'' is really catching up with me. I have the zeal of being twenty-five, but with the weariness of being forty-five (despite having an age that is somewhere between these two). ``Can do'' spirit becomes ``is it really an `ought to do' '' one, and me-time overrides many other things.
I don't activate brain cells unless I absolutely have to, preferring to just keep quiet for the most part. Because at the end of the day, all I am looking for is a peace of mind to catch up on sleep, as opposed to being absolutely right.
Heard of the phrase ``energy vampire''? Neither have I till recently. And something about reading 'net-based definitions of it bothers me to a certain degree.
The word ``intense''. Or the fact that talking with me can be draining, because I am ``intense''.
That is not a word I used to describe myself. That is a word used by others.
As far as I know, that is not exactly a good word. It means I'm an asshole.
And now I'm an asshole armed with the righteousness of Christ since I have publicly declared myself to be a follower of Christ. How much bigger of a sanctimonious bastard can I get?
The answer, surprisingly enough, is no. As in, I don't even want to talk any more.
No talking implies no need for conversations. No need for conversations means no more chances of ``intense'' ones.
I'm just realising that there is really little to no need to talk to anyone anymore, unless absolutely necessary. This is not because I'm holier than thou art, but more like everyone talks past everyone else these days anyway.
Attention spans are short, everyone wants to catch up with the latest and most fashionable---and many people live in pretend worlds [that they didn't create] anyway.
I don't live much in pretend worlds, or rather, I live in different pretend worlds. As a middle aged man, there is a decreasing compulsion within to conform.
I am no longer bound by the rules of the school, and society's rules are generally quite permissive, as long as one isn't out to ``stir trouble''. For authorities, this usually equates to taking steps to organise people along some cause; it matters little if it is for or against the status quo---any form of organisation is a cause for alarm as it threatens the primacy of the ruling elite. Which explains why there has always been attempts to pit different [under] classes of people against each other to divert their attentions away from the real problems of the world.
Anyway, living in different pretend worlds. Flying solo has its own strange set of consequences. My time and effort is no longer revolving around working out good consensus and compromises with another thinking person, and more importantly, I do not have to think about working around the third party people around that other person that is deemed important. Some days I do wish that I were more conventional so as to blend in, but I quickly disabuse myself of that on realisation just how absolutely boring I would be, and more importantly, how bound I would be to the invisible shackles that prevent each of us from living our best lives.
It also helps(?) that my skin is having a flare up during this period once more, due to I-really-don't-know situations. The easiest is to blame the weather conditions, but somehow I don't think that it is the full story. There are certain compulsions involved that need to be tackled that aren't fully explainable through the use of the hot weather---it's one thing to have a flare up of inflamed skin, it's another to be picking at said skin's vesicles to break them and make it all worse.
Oh... too graphic? Too bad... this is the reality. Finger tips are affected by it, making typing full of nuisances, and playing on my dizi downright hazardous, which explains my no show for nearly a month.
Corporeal issues aside, a thought came to mind [again]---I remember some quotation about how someone was mumbling at why is the night sky full of darkness if the entire universe is full of stars in every direction.
Much to my embarrassment, the simple answer to that only reached me recently: the entire universe is full of stars in every direction (see Hubble Deep Field), but they are separated by space and time, i.e. they don't all appear and go away at once.
So obvious, yet I didn't get it till now. How embarrassing.
In other observations, knowledge, Zen, and ko'an---simply put, we often create a strong equivalence between reality and knowledge through the use of words. It's a powerful concept, don't get me wrong, but it isn't necessarily sufficient---there are certain parts of reality that holds that cannot be expressed as words. The paradox is that if I can describe it in words, then it is not a part of reality that cannot be described by words.
More importantly, we have no guarantees that it can be described by countably infinite number of words either. Because no matter how big the [observable] universe is, it is still represented as a finitely over-large number [representing the state], not a countably infinite one, mostly because our laws of physics have a clear starting point, and a clear ``as at''-type rolling ending point.
That's probably the best working definition of the unknowable that I can come up with. And ko'an are meant to force Zen practitioners to break away from that strong equivalence of knowledge of truth/reality with the expressing of them using human defined concepts of words.
In Minecraft, I've built yet another sandstone pyramid covered with smooth quartz stairs to remove mob spawns. The base of this pyramid is a square of more than 120 blocks per side (it extends 60 blocks from the base of the four-deep iron-block pyramid used to host 4 beacons). The terracing works at three blocks rise per one block run, which leads to a height of nearly 200 blocks above sea-level.
No pictures of it this time though... lazy. It used up quite a bit (but not all!) of the material that I obtained clearing out the desert that the pyramid is now sitting on. I exhausted all the smooth quartz blocks I had, and resorted to quasi-creative mode shenanigans to give myself the rest needed to finish it all up.
In non-Minecraft games, I've been slowly playing WHAT THE GOLF?, and started on Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (999)) of the Team Zero Escape Bundle, which has all three Zero Escape games and the AI: The Somnium Files on sale at the time of writing.
Why the sudden interest in these Spike Chunsoft games?
Okay, backtrack a little. I like puzzle games, though once they start to get too taxing I have a tendency to drop them. Puzzle games have a kind of fun that tickles the right spots when applied at the right times. These games in the bundle, while being ``Visual Novels'' as a major genre, have strong puzzle elements within them that are similar to the escape room genre of games. Those are fun---a digital version of real world puzzle manipulation.
I learnt of these series of games from Pavolia Reine's channel:
Which makes now the perfect time to pick them up (at a discount!) to play them for myself to relive the experience.
And that's happening because a new game has just been recently released: AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES---nirvanA Initiative, that Reine is also playing.
A happy confluence of incidents.
A new fan-made off-shoot of Vampire Survivors and Magic Survival featuring Hololive Productions characters is also made available: HoloCure. I've not played it yet, but have seen many of the Hololive Production VTubers playing them. It looks fun, has its own mechanics that differ from either Vampire Survivors and Magic Survival (both of which I play quite often to kill time when I just want something more brain dead than reading), but I don't think I will play it. Not because I think that it is bad, but that I uh... have enough of such games in the genre to keep me occupied.
And so there. July begins, and I have lots of stuff to report, not all good, and not all bad. Till the next update then.
How time flies. More than half-way through the year, and by extension, more than half way through my new-ish life.
Many things have remained the same, but some things have changed quite drastically.
That ``middle age'' is really catching up with me. I have the zeal of being twenty-five, but with the weariness of being forty-five (despite having an age that is somewhere between these two). ``Can do'' spirit becomes ``is it really an `ought to do' '' one, and me-time overrides many other things.
I don't activate brain cells unless I absolutely have to, preferring to just keep quiet for the most part. Because at the end of the day, all I am looking for is a peace of mind to catch up on sleep, as opposed to being absolutely right.
Heard of the phrase ``energy vampire''? Neither have I till recently. And something about reading 'net-based definitions of it bothers me to a certain degree.
The word ``intense''. Or the fact that talking with me can be draining, because I am ``intense''.
That is not a word I used to describe myself. That is a word used by others.
As far as I know, that is not exactly a good word. It means I'm an asshole.
And now I'm an asshole armed with the righteousness of Christ since I have publicly declared myself to be a follower of Christ. How much bigger of a sanctimonious bastard can I get?
The answer, surprisingly enough, is no. As in, I don't even want to talk any more.
No talking implies no need for conversations. No need for conversations means no more chances of ``intense'' ones.
I'm just realising that there is really little to no need to talk to anyone anymore, unless absolutely necessary. This is not because I'm holier than thou art, but more like everyone talks past everyone else these days anyway.
Attention spans are short, everyone wants to catch up with the latest and most fashionable---and many people live in pretend worlds [that they didn't create] anyway.
I don't live much in pretend worlds, or rather, I live in different pretend worlds. As a middle aged man, there is a decreasing compulsion within to conform.
I am no longer bound by the rules of the school, and society's rules are generally quite permissive, as long as one isn't out to ``stir trouble''. For authorities, this usually equates to taking steps to organise people along some cause; it matters little if it is for or against the status quo---any form of organisation is a cause for alarm as it threatens the primacy of the ruling elite. Which explains why there has always been attempts to pit different [under] classes of people against each other to divert their attentions away from the real problems of the world.
Anyway, living in different pretend worlds. Flying solo has its own strange set of consequences. My time and effort is no longer revolving around working out good consensus and compromises with another thinking person, and more importantly, I do not have to think about working around the third party people around that other person that is deemed important. Some days I do wish that I were more conventional so as to blend in, but I quickly disabuse myself of that on realisation just how absolutely boring I would be, and more importantly, how bound I would be to the invisible shackles that prevent each of us from living our best lives.
It also helps(?) that my skin is having a flare up during this period once more, due to I-really-don't-know situations. The easiest is to blame the weather conditions, but somehow I don't think that it is the full story. There are certain compulsions involved that need to be tackled that aren't fully explainable through the use of the hot weather---it's one thing to have a flare up of inflamed skin, it's another to be picking at said skin's vesicles to break them and make it all worse.
Oh... too graphic? Too bad... this is the reality. Finger tips are affected by it, making typing full of nuisances, and playing on my dizi downright hazardous, which explains my no show for nearly a month.
Corporeal issues aside, a thought came to mind [again]---I remember some quotation about how someone was mumbling at why is the night sky full of darkness if the entire universe is full of stars in every direction.
Much to my embarrassment, the simple answer to that only reached me recently: the entire universe is full of stars in every direction (see Hubble Deep Field), but they are separated by space and time, i.e. they don't all appear and go away at once.
So obvious, yet I didn't get it till now. How embarrassing.
In other observations, knowledge, Zen, and ko'an---simply put, we often create a strong equivalence between reality and knowledge through the use of words. It's a powerful concept, don't get me wrong, but it isn't necessarily sufficient---there are certain parts of reality that holds that cannot be expressed as words. The paradox is that if I can describe it in words, then it is not a part of reality that cannot be described by words.
More importantly, we have no guarantees that it can be described by countably infinite number of words either. Because no matter how big the [observable] universe is, it is still represented as a finitely over-large number [representing the state], not a countably infinite one, mostly because our laws of physics have a clear starting point, and a clear ``as at''-type rolling ending point.
That's probably the best working definition of the unknowable that I can come up with. And ko'an are meant to force Zen practitioners to break away from that strong equivalence of knowledge of truth/reality with the expressing of them using human defined concepts of words.
In Minecraft, I've built yet another sandstone pyramid covered with smooth quartz stairs to remove mob spawns. The base of this pyramid is a square of more than 120 blocks per side (it extends 60 blocks from the base of the four-deep iron-block pyramid used to host 4 beacons). The terracing works at three blocks rise per one block run, which leads to a height of nearly 200 blocks above sea-level.
No pictures of it this time though... lazy. It used up quite a bit (but not all!) of the material that I obtained clearing out the desert that the pyramid is now sitting on. I exhausted all the smooth quartz blocks I had, and resorted to quasi-creative mode shenanigans to give myself the rest needed to finish it all up.
In non-Minecraft games, I've been slowly playing WHAT THE GOLF?, and started on Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (999)) of the Team Zero Escape Bundle, which has all three Zero Escape games and the AI: The Somnium Files on sale at the time of writing.
Why the sudden interest in these Spike Chunsoft games?
Okay, backtrack a little. I like puzzle games, though once they start to get too taxing I have a tendency to drop them. Puzzle games have a kind of fun that tickles the right spots when applied at the right times. These games in the bundle, while being ``Visual Novels'' as a major genre, have strong puzzle elements within them that are similar to the escape room genre of games. Those are fun---a digital version of real world puzzle manipulation.
I learnt of these series of games from Pavolia Reine's channel:
- Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (999)
- Virtue's Last Reward (VLR)
- Zero Time Dilemma (ZTD)
- AI: The Somnium Files
Which makes now the perfect time to pick them up (at a discount!) to play them for myself to relive the experience.
And that's happening because a new game has just been recently released: AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES---nirvanA Initiative, that Reine is also playing.
A happy confluence of incidents.
A new fan-made off-shoot of Vampire Survivors and Magic Survival featuring Hololive Productions characters is also made available: HoloCure. I've not played it yet, but have seen many of the Hololive Production VTubers playing them. It looks fun, has its own mechanics that differ from either Vampire Survivors and Magic Survival (both of which I play quite often to kill time when I just want something more brain dead than reading), but I don't think I will play it. Not because I think that it is bad, but that I uh... have enough of such games in the genre to keep me occupied.
And so there. July begins, and I have lots of stuff to report, not all good, and not all bad. Till the next update then.
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