Monday, January 22, 2024

Another Trip Round Ol'Sol

Woah, stupid o'clock! Also, damn I'm officially yet another year older! Frankly, apart from having some fancy sushi for lunch, I don't really have any other things planned for the rest of the day. The old standby is, of course, to find some bar/pub to sit at, and read some book.

Maybe I'd just put on a face mask and go for a walk out on Orchard Road. But thanks to the fifth COVID-19 vaccination (Spikevax this time), I'm on a strict ``no physical exertion for two weeks'' edict, which probably includes this walk as part of the prohibition.

I suppose an explanation is [sort of] in order. I had planned to take leave from 2024-01-19 till 2024-01-23 (inclusive) just to chill out and do whatever the hell I wanted as part of my birthday thingamajig. Then MOH was like ``dude, you're due for your fifth vaccination''. I don't know about you, but there has been some spikes of COVID-19 cases here and there over the past few months, and the last time I was hit with COVID-19 was back in September, which was more than three months away from well today. So I was definitely interested in taking the booster shot just as an insurance for both me and my two aged parents, especially since it was ``free''. The only problem was, when?

A long story made short meant that 2024-01-19 was the best available time. I'd do earlier, but there were no free slots on Saturdays (not taking any more ``unnecessary'' leave if I can help it), and doing it later will run into some seriously hard-to-deal with issues (special item in church, Chinese New Year proper, and quite a few work-related events that need my presence).

And so, my Friday morning was burnt.

My Friday afternoon went away as well when the music coordinator in church had to reschedule a work-together session for the special item that was supposed to happen on 2024-01-14. Again, Friday was the only free time, and so went the rest of the day. To be fair, not all of the afternoon was spent on working out the special item---due to the big rain, I ended up staying for another few more hours to chat.

Come Saturday, I was starting to nurse the usual lethargy from the booster jab, while having to consume brain power doing transcription of the recording of the work-together session that happened the previous day. Then there was rehearsals for TGCO in the evening.

Sunday, I was just dead. I had taken paracetamol for Friday and Saturday to sort of control the side effects, and I had been running on pure spite (a.k.a. ``too angry to be sick'') for the two days' worth of events. That led to the crash with me feeling both feverish and too drained of willpower to drag my carcass to do anything. I slept for nearly twelve hours, and felt much better after that.

And that's three out of my five days of break that was spent just pulling through the side effects of the vaccination, while still doing my best to keep up with the obligations and responsibilities. What a fucking mess...


Previously, I talked about how I fixed up the tables in my personal website to have ``sticky'' headers. I also mentioned about how I had to sacrifice the borders for the header due to rendering bugs in the browsers (I'm too lazy to find and link to it: I hereby invoke ``trust me bro'').

Well, one of my subordinates found a workable solution for this (we needed to do something similar for a work item). The gist of the solution was to eschew the automatic border rendering and border-collapse: collapse;, and to manually handle the borders, specially drawing only the left and top borders for all cells, except for the bottom-most and the right-most, where they will also draw the bottom border and the right borders respectively.

It worked, in a way. It created the new caveat of not allowing any other border-related CSS styling for tables, to avoid fucking up the manually designated set up.

In my case, I had to change the orientation, drawing only the right and bottom borders instead.

``MT, why so contrary?''

Because my tables have togglable hidden columns. This means that the detection algorithm for the right most column (i.e. the last-child of the <tr> tag) will fail should that column be hidden. I had tried to use some other types of CSS-selectors to pick the last visible column through class exclusion and what-not, but nothing beat the simplicity of just changing the orientation.

And so, now the tables in my personal website have the full border treatment, be it the header cells, or the regular body cells.



AGDQ 2024 came and went. I watched nothing live, but that is to be expected. The VOD list on Reddit was always cool, and with it was a great way to catch up on the coolest speedruns that made it to the Big Stage.


Anyway, it's late. I'm going to crash out. Till the next update.

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