Part 1![]() | Part 2![]() | Part 3![]() |
And so concludes the run of an experiment. It feels strange to be writing here once again, after leaving it untouched for the better part of 2 weeks. I feel so much better now, now that some of the issues are being worked out and resolution is expected to be favourable.
Heheheh... I know that I'm not among the best of artists, and the run of the 3-panel comic of Pensively Sitting In A Corner is probably not something that is of ridiculously decent quality. Eventually, I'd like to put up a site where I can sketch out stories that float around nebulously in my head. Not that I don't like writing any more, but that it is probably more fun to have a little variety of sorts. Which means that the next time this blog is being updated, there might be random hand-sketched comics instead of just a regular post.
And now for some updates. The last few days were fairly therapeutic, since it was the thanksgiving weekend, which meant that the campus was practically devoid of people for a good 5 days or so. I spent most of the time working on homework, playing the flute/ocarina/soprano saxophone, programming a little, reading some and getting out of the dorm to actually do stuff, like shopping.
On the shopping trip on Black Friday, I managed to pick up a copy of Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition, which consisted of the main game and 3 other expansion packs. In an earlier post, I mentioned about playing the game over winter break—it was my friend's copy at his place. This time, I'm not going to be at his place over winter, and since he would generally be bored over the break, we decided to play this game online together, and since the Diamond Edition was retailing at about USD 20 (approximately SGD 30), it was a pretty good deal. The only bugaboo was that the manual which contained the CD-Keys for each of the three big components was printed wrongly (all identical), which meant that I couldn't start playing it right away. I've already contacted the customer support via their online request, and I hope that they will give me what I need soon.
Apart from the shopping, I managed to finish the anime series of 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 (romaji: Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu, English: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya). One of the characters that I like a lot is 長門 有希 (romaji: Nagato Yuki, English: Yuki Nagato). Here's what Wikipedia says about her personality:
Yuki has a very stoic and introverted personality, preferring simple body language rather than speaking. When prompted to speak, she does so in a very concise manner, always speaking in a monotone and displaying a dispassionate complexion. She thinks very rationally, and finds it difficult to communicate with normal humans due to her intelligence and lack of empathy. She enjoys reading, and is seen reading a book in the majority of her appearances. As the series continues, she develops a sense of humor, although her unchanging facial expressions make it near-impossible to discern whether she is joking or not. Despite her reserved manner, she is reliable and trustworthy, resulting in Kyon trusting her more than other members of the SOS Brigade.I can identify a lot with her personality, though I must admit that I'm not some "human interface" or that I'm an alien (that'd be jsherman, but it is an in-joke that only the CS-sophomores know). For some reason, I found her really cute/attractive, especially when she dons her dark wizard outfit and play on the guitar.
Yes, I think I like cute geeky girls. I must admit that I'm a sucker for those kinds. Unfortunately, they are relatively hard to come by, particularly from where I come from. I mean, how many girls actually want to be identified as being geeky? It is fairly counter-cultural to the usual imbued social rules. So when I meet one, I'll definitely try to snare her and not let her go. (=
Everything else aside, I'd say that the thanksgiving weekend was fairly restful. No strange feelings of loneliness and other random crap like that. Which is a good thing. This means that I'm slowly growing into an adult.
Maybe more rants some other time. As it is, the local time now is like... 3am. I need my sleep, otherwise I can't do my homework.
Until next time...
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