Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Condone Perfect Jerks?

Should we condone the behaviour of the few who seem to be more intelligent than us, even when they are acting like perfect jerks? Like every argument, there is a good side and a bad side. The good side of it all is the supposed benefit that we can obtain from these intelligent person, if we don't "cramp their style". The bad side of it is that these "geniuses" might end up having a problem with how they relate to people in general in the future, causing them to be ignored by the very people who might benefit from whatever new creation they might have.

Well, those two sides seem well-balanced to a certain degree, but seriously, there is much more to be discovered first before we can even argue about that. First off, what exactly do we mean by "perfect jerks"? Do we mean a general disdain of people, the looking down of people, or just being annoying to everyone with no regard whatsoever? Notice that for each of the three sample definitions, there can be a different conclusion to the earlier question. In this instance that I am arguing about, I shall define a "perfect jerk" as one who annoys to everyone without any regard, often with no ill intentions whatsoever. This is to contrast with those who annoy people with bad intentions.

My stand is simple—everyone has the right to their own personal space, and so no one, no matter how smart/intelligent/dumb/silly you are, has the right to take that away from someone else. Clearly, if anyone attempts to do that, you have every right to "defend" against them. This is what most of our laws and rules and regulations were designed to ensure.

[Ed: This was originally to have gone up on Oct 18, but I got too tired trying to continue it. I'm leaving it here in its incomplete state because I got sick trying to argue my points.]

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