Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thinking While Procrastinating

So, instead of working on my slides for a presentation that is due some time in the morning of tomorrow, I find myself thinking about really random things as I try to focus my thoughts on the order of presentation that I am striving to attain. And among all the random things that come to mind from being part sleep-deprived and part sick is this simple question: why am I always attracted to the ``weird'' girls, and not those that are, you know, more ``normal'' within the Singapore context?

It has been a suspicion of mine that I am somewhat gender blind, in the sense that I don't really seem to have an obsessive attraction to ``girly-girls'', or females who demonstrate typical ``female'' behaviour. While I know that I am attracted to the female aesthetic (i.e. the ``looks like female'' criterion), it is not always the case that I am attracted to a personality that seems to evoke the kinds of typical macho emotions. Put in a more simple way, I seem to have an attraction to females who look female, but have a personality that is on the strong side, to the point sometimes that if one were to transplant that personality into a male body, the resulting mix can be easily identified as a true blue male.

This observation is of course based on the fragmented reflections that I have been having with regards to this particular aspect of my life. The sad truth about this type of attraction is this, such females are usually fiercely independent and are thus less likely to be involved in a relationship. So unless I can find a female who is ``fiercely independent yet doesn't mind the company'' or if I can alter the kinds of taste I have, getting settled down with that special someone is just not going to happen.

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