Friday, August 17, 2012


So apart from the functionality of the kitchen, there were a couple of other interesting things that had happened since the last update.

First off, I finally tried out orienteering, the sport that I had read about a very very long time ago in a Hardy Boys Casefiles book (yes, I knew about orienteering since I was around 14 years old or so). John and I went with a friend of his out to Robinson Park in Peoria. I think that it is a very interesting civilian NAVEX that requires both the physical ability of dealing with the varied terrain and the mental ability to decide how best to run the course from control point to control point given the terrain and individual constraints. It really reminds me of my secondary school days where I would spend hours reading an atlas to study the geographical features via the topographical maps, and the map reading section of the `O'-level geography exam. A pity that orienteering only makes sense outside of Singapore---the terrain in Singapore is sufficiently boring and small with few non-urban areas left. I suppose I should try to enjoy it more while I am still here.

Next up, I finally got the new Cherry Boom (樱桃帮) album ``Only''. It was released in 2010, but it was only recently that I managed to get my hands on it. As always, they have that nice alt-rock pop sound that is addictive and whimsical. Probably not as good as their first album, but still a nice piece of work. Now, if Lesley Roy had another album out, I would be much happier.

Finally, I have decided to spend some money to get yet another Lamy Safari pen, this time for red ink. I think that I need more colours for annotation, and really, I cannot stand using non-fountain pens these days. Something about the amount of surface pressure needed.

Anyway, that's all I have for now. Till next time.

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