Monday, November 05, 2012

Kick-off and Freewrite Transcript

Eh, I know this is kind of stupid, considering that I am using words for NaNoWriMo and yet, instead of writing my novel, I'm wasting them on yet another blog entry. Whatever man---over the course of the last 4 days, I had written around 23k+ words, I think I've earned my time to do something else that involves a different kind of writing.

First off, the kick-off party. Yep, the NaNoWriMo kick-off party on Oct 31 was a blast. The whole bunch of us were out in full force at the Illini Union and had a great time talking about writing and other random things in general. Small mishaps though, when Erin (one of the muncipal liaisons) opened up the big bottle of soda, it exploded into a sticky mess from the gas build up, and my shoes got hit by it. It wasn't too bad, just funny. Also, some free writing stuff that I have transcribed to here from that event:
It is the night in which a bunch of crazies decide to lose one month's worth of sleep and time on a ``one-day'' task, the task of fulfilling fifty thousand words in the short span of a mere thirty days, an event that was once thought to be impossible but has been completed by legions for the last ten or so years, with their inner editors removed from the equation, their imagination wanton, their grammar tested, their diction forced, their flow pushed, each of those who have dedicated their time and energies to the endeavour suddenly find a realise at the end of it all, as they settle back to the humdrum of daily life, after a whole month of solid, pain-staking writing, thinking, processing and fighting the inner urge to correct, confound and refine to repurpose their lives from the norm into one filled with fantasy, pomp, desire, hatred and jubilation, the one novel of around fifty thousand words, the end product of yet another iteration of NaNoWriMo---the National Novel Writing Month.
Yes, that was one sentence, a free write... in ink on paper. I'm not going to scan and upload an image of it, because it has one of the worse scrawls that I can produce in modern times (I'm not proud of its penmanship).

Next off, the contents of NaNoWriMo. I know I said before I wasn't joining, then I said I was, and now I am. But what is this year's contents about, really? Like always, I have no clue because I am winging it. But in broad strokes, think fantasy×realistic fiction and you'll have the general idea of what I'm writing. It has been decent progress, and I hope to surge past 25k tomorrow when I continue to write it. 6k per day is probably the maximum rate that I can go without shocking myself into a daze---2k in the morning (1 hour), 2k in the afternoon (1h) and 2k in the evening/night (1h). I find that the more time I dedicate to a stretch of writing, the less writing I actually do, which is interesting but not unexpected.

Anyhow, I originally wanted to write something really sad and depressing here, but somehow writing about NaNoWriMo cheered myself up, so I'll have to defer that sordid sob story some other time.

1 comment:

roticv said...

It is amazing how many words you write in a day.