Monday, October 29, 2012

Cider Season

Not too long ago (Friday really) I attended a Halloween party held at a friend's place. It was made up of a group of folks from the ##uiuc channel of Freenode, as well as other random folks from /r/uiuc of Reddit. Anyway, I found myself there on a Friday evening/night, sipping on homebrewed cider and some beer that was microbrewed (I think) while hiding in the back room and talking to as many random people as I can.

And of course now I find that I like hiding in my apartment and not leaving it unless necessary. There's always something about a large crowd of people that makes me want to hide away and not come out and interact for a good two weeks since the occurrence of the said party.

I don't really know the reason. It is not as though I didn't enjoy myself at the party. Sure, I wasn't about to pick anyone up there (never was the intention anyway), and I had meet up with quite a few interesting/different people that I would otherwise not have the chance to hang out/talk to. Some of them are dicks of some sort, but many of them are cool (too cool really), but overall it wasn't a bad party. Yet after 3 to 4 hours, I start to find myself ever more detached from the mess, becoming even more of an observer rather than a participant.

Well anyway, that's all the junk I have to talk about. I'm still trying to recover from my exposure to so many [gorgeous] people in a [cramped] place, while hallucinating bits and pieces of the storyline for my NaNoWriMo 2012 entry, and wondering when I would stop procrastinating and finishing up the pieces of homework that are due, as well as the grading that I need to do, among the other relatively large life decisions that I need to make.

Till the next update.

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