Monday, August 29, 2016

Just a Tad Depressed

I'm a tad depressed.

I think that I'm one of those people who really prefer stability over change, but am willing to take in the change and adjust accordingly if the change comes over smoothly enough.

Sadly though change hardly ever comes smoothly---it comes amidst a quadrillion other changes all at once.

I'm in the middle of a four-week series of changes, and living through it all has been quite straining on my psyche, to say the least. The few anchor points of my life are now moving their positions about, and as such, I feel like a kite with its tether slackened severely, to be tossed about by whichever way the winds decide to blow.

I can handle change in work or in my hobbies singly, but to have both happen at once is very draining.

I've not reached the point where I just mentally say ``fuck it'' and dive head-first into the maelstrom, mostly because I've not had enough mental reserves to do that plunge just yet.

As the old saying goes, ``this too, shall pass''.

And that's my rant for the day. Amen.

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