Thursday, April 23, 2020

Doing Better Than Last Reported

I will make this quick because I am about to start a new [work] day.

I am doing better than when I last reported. This is despite other more traumatic changes in my life. If you want details, please contact me through other means, and perhaps I can share bits and pieces with you---I am still in the transition phase, and there are many things that are still going to take me some time to get to grips with.

In other news, the ``COVID-19 Circuit Breaker'' period in Singapore has been extended. This means that instead of releasing everyone back into general circulation on May 04, it has been extended to Jun 01 instead.

What that means for me, I don't know. What that means for the economy, I also don't know.

What that means for society, I really don't know.

On another note, I am still on exile from Facebook. All the COVID-19 business and their associated wild reactions, and heavy heavy bad news from the US are flooding my newsfeed so much that I simply cannot take it any more. I recently logged in to take care of some other business, and have seen more of the same that I was trying to avoid.

So, please, contact me through other means if necessary.

In other news, I've also given up my resistance against using Whatsapp. Sure, the behaviour of that app after 8+ years is definitely more understood now, but I am still leery. However, like many things in life, it is about seeking the right balance. In the past, I could make do without it, but now, with the extension of the ``circuit breaker'' and other traumatic changes in my life, the equation has changed.

And that's all for now. Till the next update.

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