Sunday, June 05, 2022

``Extra Cool'' is Actually Quite Cool!

Weekend. Last vestiges of.

Sometimes I wonder why I still keep a blog when only a small handful of people are even actively reading it. But then again, I just remind myself that my writing of this and other blogs is less for others but more for myself---a way of purging whatever is bugging me in the head that might be of some interest to some of my friends. This is, of course, opposed to the other form of purging where I dump stuff straight into my paper journal.

Anyway, let's talk a little about what happened over this weekend.

I felt really out of it yesterday. The weather was definitely one major reason, but it was hardly the only one. I was out of sleep, and probably didn't caffeinate myself enough. That ended up with me just crashing out for a long afternoon nap of a couple of hours. I went for the evening's rehearsal, and tapped out at the end of it to head back home instead of joining the crew for a post-rehearsal drink and chill.

I still felt at little out of it this morning, which ended with me waking up about a couple of hours after what I was intending to. But I drank the equivalent of 2 mugs of coffee just before working on this upcoming Bible study, and was feeling generally fine, though still not as gregarious as I should be. I hitched a ride for church service, but headed out on my own after that instead of joining for lunch.

I think that's going to be the new thing, not joining for lunch. For one, I really shouldn't be doing lunch as a rule of thumb, and I ought to keep to it. For two, my hitching a ride back home feels like I'm imposing myself upon what is obviously time for my church friends to run their errands and do other things that they would find it hard to do within the rest of the week.

It's nearly 2200hrs now, and after I post this, I'm probably going to crash out for the night.


I dug up more terracotta out in the mesa biome (or Badlands as they call it these days) in Minecraft. I set up a rudimentary conveyor belt system based on hoppers to allow me to quickly offload my inventory when it was full to send it to the shulker boxes automatically, reducing the amount of walking that I needed to do to and fro to get it done manually. I also dug out more materials from the mining floor for no reason other than to relax.

I also managed to unlock Toastie in Vampire Survivors, which I still maintain is one of the best bang for buck for the amount of fun obtained with about SGD4.

Games aside, I've also discovered that Rohto had come up with a more potent version of their Cool Eyedrops---the Rohto Extra Cool Eyedrops (emphasis mine). On their provided ``Cooling Level'' scale, the Cool is at 5 (out of 8), while the Extra Cool is at 7 (out of 8). I'll skip the coyness and just say that I could hardly feel the Cool eyedrops when I was using them---not sure if it was related to having gotten LASIK, or if it was just my general tolerance to the effect of menthol on the cold-sensitive receptors, even as regular people were feeling the cool ``burn'' when they tried it.

Extra Cool---yeah I felt it. It was a nice ``cold burn'', much less intense as compared to having Axe Brand Universal Oil accidentally ending up on the sclera (that sucker was pain---it felt good after the pain levels drop, but it does leave the sclera rather bloodshot), and sufficiently intense to overcome whatever it was that made me not feel the Cool as much.

I'm liking it already.

But I want to point out that even the Extra Cool ranks ``only'' a 7 (out of 8). It made me wonder just what it was that counted as a full 8 (out of 8) in the ``Cooling Level'' scale. Rohto seems to have different marketing arms across their different markets, so trying to figure out which existing product might be cross promoted as the unseen 8 (out of 8) was pretty much in speculative territory with no reprieve.

But I don't think that I need to get that 8 (out of 8) cooling eye drops when this one works well enough.

Anyway, I'm beat. Going to turn in for the night now. Till the next update then.

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