Wednesday, May 15, 2024

...and Then The Body Says ``No''

What a fustercluck.

I fixed my mental wellness issue with an urgent leave on Friday, only to be slammed with an acute upper respiratory tract infection from Sunday to Tuesday, necessitating the visiting of a GP to get some meds and an appropriate amount of sick leave to sleep it off.

And of course, today's Hack Day is nullified, since I need to catch up on the stuff that had occurred between the previous two days.

But then again, I am belly-aching a little. Things are tight in terms of timing, but as usual, some preparation on my end, and the Providence of God meant that things will all turn out right in the end.

Frankly, there isn't much to write today, except for that little bit of complaining about how I basically lost some time due to the failure of my meat body.

Till the next update.

P.S.: You. The one running the bots that are based on AWS scraping my blog. I see you there. Don't be a dick.

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