Sunday, January 19, 2025

Official Start to ``i'm-forty-bitches'' Week!

Well, that was a fine mess. As noted previously, I got hit with some messed up upper respiratory tract infection, which led to some messed up blocked nose with yellow/orange phlegm, and other ``goodies''.

I spent most of yesterday sedated and sleeping, to the point where when I woke up this morning at 4 o'clock, I felt like I should be up and running about due to just how long I had been knocked out. I didn't though---I just rolled back to sleep to wait out till around 8 o'clock or so before I got up.

A fever started near 10 o'clock last night, and broke finally at 2 after I had wrapped myself in a hoodie to let it burn out whatever bugs were hitting me. My skin did not like all that, and is now a mish-mash of messed up macerated skin. My brain had been hallucinating between the lyrics of Die with a Smile and whatever passes as a flashback of time past, remixed into whatever nonsense my fever allowed it to be.

But all that aside, I'm feeling much better this morning. The nose is still somewhat blocked, but it isn't actively being chewed on by whatever nonsense bug (I'm sticking with the ``bug'' moniker because I have no idea if it is a virus or bacterium, and it honestly doesn't matter). I've started on Glenfiddich 15 years, and am likely keep going on throughout the whole week.

Not an alcoholic for sure, by the way.

Before I crashed out hard yesterday, I finally sorted out the pay-day stuff. There were some performance bonus too, and they were all squared properly away. Eirian-VI is en route to the trans-shipment warehouse, and I've started to prepare the requisition of a Great Bass Recorder in C to sort of wrap up the recorder family, having finally saved enough to trigger it.

This upcoming week is going to be a fun one for sure, as I indulge in activities that bring me joy. And the best part is, not all of it will involve other people, which is absolutely fine.

Got a nice list of things to do, and will do as many as I can during ``i'm-forty-bitches'' week.

A colleague had pointed out the importance of the application of the comma in that, but honestly, after being a pedant of the English language at work, I think I can take a little liberty in doing whatever the hell I want when I am forty. Booyah!

I think that's about it for now. Will be watching me some VODs for AGDQ 2025, while doing some recreational programming and/or playing some video games, followed by some errands that need doing during this time period.

Till the next update.

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