Thursday, May 25, 2006

And people wonder why I wear boots...

If you had seen me out on the streets on a weekday recently, you'd have realised that I was wearing boots. That's right, the very boots that was issued out to us a coupla years ago.

Ugh. Don't laugh at me or start saying that I'm garang. Here's a sad fact: my daily commute all the way to I2R is one helluva painful exercise, especially so considering the following two irritations.

Irritation #1

See the grass field? Now look nearer the centre, in the background. That's the Hougang NEL station. (Wait, you mean you can't see it? All you see is the field?) That is the Number 1 Irritation that demands that I put on my boots. That field is so big, and every day, it starts off with being muddy all over the place. I had tried to wear my "normal" shoes, but they just couldn't make the cut under the torment of the muddy grass field. Everytime I made it to office, I realised that my socks were soaked through. Hence, no normal shoes.


Irritation #2

This is something that I found particularly painful... I had to climb all kinds of stairs just to move from place to place. Yeah yah, there are escalators around, but there are usually so many people rushing on them, and trust me, getting squashed on a hectic morning is much worse than running up the stairs...

Unfortunately, not all stairs have escalators. Take a look at this flight of steps leading to I2R.

Do I even dare to think about climbing those stairs with the [in]famous New Balance shoes?

And people wonder why I wear boots...

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