Sunday, May 28, 2006

Metta School

And today started off with a marathon rush of almost 8 hours to complete the digitisation of the ticket design by HM for the performance on 29 July. Initially, I was trying to touch up the scanned picture that HM scanned and sent to me. Then I realised that it was almost impossible... Suddenly, an inspiration hit me—use the lasso tool with the paint bucket tool together! And the job was done... by 0830hrs this morning...

There was a carnival held at the Metta School. Originally, I was not involved in the whole affair, but my good friend RX said last night that he could not go because of some project that he was working on, so I volunteered to attend in place of him to chaperone the other kids from the Orchestra that were going to the carnival too. However, that champion suddenly appeared at the MRT station and declared that he felt bad for thrusting the responsibility to me and so decided to go also. (Actually, it was partially because he didn't do his project last night, but I digress).

After walking along Simei St 1, we arrived at Metta School. And we were greeted with the banner with a most cute looking elephant.That was a nice start.

After taking about 30 minutes to view all the exhibits, my eyes started to glaze when the entourage decided to do this:Did not help matters that there was this group of people playing on the gongs just next to us throughout the whole period. Needless to say, I was dying slowly... giving new evidence to the accuracy of "killing me softly with his song"...Ugh.

I'm too stoned out to continue...


1 comment:

Lu Mon said...

BOO! hahhaa =) link mi =D [u noe e add??? ^.- ] =)