Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Opening Rhetoric

Aargh. Sometimes, I must admit that writing poetry can be at times too darn limiting... I mean, how much information can you cram into a heavily nuanced piece of writing? As such, I didn't have much choice but to leave things in a most cryptic state, with the sad knowledge that I alone possess the key information to decipher the inner meaning. And due to the way my social circles are starting to overlap, sometimes the same poem can have parallel meanings which are under very different circumstances. The aftermath can sometimes be very ugly.

Not that that is a good thing.

I mean, hey! not that I don't like to write poems now, but that I've written so much that the writer instinct in me is now just clamouring to get out of the silly über-programmer shell that I've erected outside my very frail inner persona, the one thing that is fuelling my desire in the quest of knowledge. Also, I feel that if I train my energies of writing to churn out poems, it makes very boring reads as suddenly there'll be like a few hundred short lines to digest, which don't really come across as being easily digestible due to the questionable nuances in the poem.

Time to write more, in another form.

Amazingly, I can still find the words to write after so much inactivity in terms of prose writing... Perhaps this good trend will continue into the future. Or then again, it might just back fire on me. ;-)

Oh yes, I think that it is good practice to thank the blogder (term from xiaxue) for paying a visit to this humble abode of the_laptop.

And no, I don't have a photoshop-enhanced picture of me reclining among the un*x and window$ servers. I figure that's the last thing that you'll want to see me...

It seems appropriate to state this for the record:
All material written within this space represents only my viewpoint on the issues at hand at that point of time; they are not binding in the sense that if I make a statement/stand on an issue, it is the only stand that I'll be taking on the issue.

So please, please, no strange lawsuits/rantings/whachamacallits regarding this.

It seems that sometimes, people forget about the temporal effect of things.

Final note: If you somehow hate my prose, why not partake in my other works, like the recent poems, old collected poems from the forums, or the get-a-grip(e) blogs.

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