Wednesday, March 05, 2008


So, I ordered a Pickett 10" slide rule a while back from Sphere Research about a week back. And it has finally arrived!Isn't she a beauty? Now compare this with the old one that I had:Not that I'm going to diss the older one (hey, it was a hand-me-down from my father which now has a nice new case compared to the old, battered, plastic one that I left back at home), but this Pickett is just so much more... substantial to hold than the other.

Aluminium adjustable slide rules with a nice mix of scales, from the folded scales for easy π-based computations, yellow "eye-saver" colour scheme... mmm mmm, good. I just love slide rules for some reason; there's this strange eternal air about them. It's like holding the cradle of modern engineering and computer science in one's hands; something that ranks itself as among the most marvellous of precision engineering, the one that helped give rise to all the other innovations that we now have. To be able to compute, yet without the current "traditional" conceptions of what the action of computing entails.

The next on my shopping list is a 5" pocket sized Pickett for ease of carrying around. That will likely to fall into the April budget for me. Meanwhile, I'm contented with hooking the Pickett to my belt via a carabiner.

And yes, I'm such a geek. Too bad, heheheh...


In other news, I put together this Picasso piece of a mind-map in the attempt to prepare for my Intoduction to Ethics course (History of ethics section):No, obviously this wasn't done using a computer (can you imagine how freakishly long it will take to do that?); it was done using the traditional method of colour pencils and pen on a letter-sized paper.

And yes, I still think that mind-maps are rather useful as memory aids more than anything else. Alright, that's all that I care to update for now. In the next few days, more things are expected to come up, and I'll probably post a few more pictures of life in general and some things in particular just for folks to get a flavour of what is going on.

Until next time.

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