Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Kitchen: Operational

And so, my kitchen is now operational. Check out the basic equipment that I've gotten for it:

My kitchen outfit with everything needed.

Things currently residing in larder.

Some other useful stuff residing in larder.

My utensils drawer, with basic equipment.

Close-up of my stove and the pot and pan and the cutting board and the cooking oil.

Basic condiment shelf.

First meal ever made in the kitchen.

There are lots of other stuff that are not in the picture, like the onions, potatoes, bean sprouts and eggs, which are all well hidden in my refridgerator.

Kitchen operational!


Anonymous said...


*transforms into Eating*

Anonymous said...

Er, I just took a closer look at your er, larder and now I can empathise why when my Economics lecturer (who is taking us as an international assignment) asked us what do we normally eat, he didn't really seem to like our answer of "Chicken rice" and said that his students back in the states would say "Top Raymond" because it was the cheapest. I know I know.. stop making fun of the darned accent.

The_Laptop said...

Hahahaha... I didn't realise that the brand of the ramen was Top Ramen. I was missing Instant Noodles in general, so I just grab one packet of that lol.

So yeah, I can start cooking wonderful stuff for myself now. :-)

Anonymous said...

Haha the soup looks green. Why ah.

Your kitchen is very nice for a student's purposes. You even have an oven! How very thoughtful.

If there's anything I can get you from here, just let me know by email.

Anonymous said...

i cant remember if i've told u. i tink ur noodles look kinda very gross. >.<

what were u doing la?

roticv said...

I didn't know that "Top Raymond" was actually "Top Ramen". Haha I was under the assmption that mun thye just cooked instant noodles as his first meal. HAHA