Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Nerdy Girls, Sexy?

D'oh. Read this first.

First off, notice the use of the semantic phrase of "X 2.0". It is so clichéd just to label things as "2.0" just because people want something to sound more "hip" and "new". And since when it is fashionable to be associated with the "geek" stereotype?

Since the media pounced upon it of course.

So the infamous media is converting the concept of a "geek" into one that oozes sexiness and savviness that is unlike other "in" social groups that they had identified in the past. The question to ask is, at the end of the day, will we end up with a situation where there are just many poseurs of "geeks" and that the real "geeks" become completely and horribly misunderstood and ostracised?

Take the case of the "hacker", a term that has been so blatantly corrupted by the media. Hackers used to be folks who were brilliant at hacking things related to computers, i.e. be able to come up with novel solutions to problems that exist on the computer system. But all thanks to the media, the term "hackers" are now associated with people who break into systems for fun or for profit, and because of the mass infiltration of the mass media, it made everyone think of "hackers" in that sense.

Yet another example of a not-so-intelligent media corrupting words and definitions. "Anonymous" has been termed as being an "internet hate/hacker group bent on bringing down the Church of Scientology". Sure it sounds impressive, except that "Anonymous" isn't even a group—it is a term given to the faceless people who lurk around a bunch of picture board websites. And here's the really silly part: there exists a "leader" for "Anonymous". Wow, can't those newspeople/media people think for a second on what they just said?

Finally, it is the attitude of the media people that makes my blood boil. Newsanchors and reporters tend to have that "oh gee, I'm holier than thou art" feel about them, and sometimes the way in which they interview people leaves much to be desired. "Hard-hitting" reporter you say? I think a more appropriate term is "aggressive". Some of the questions that they ask... can be really uncalled for. And yet the public devours all these bullshit greedily. This is yet another reason why I refuse to read newspapers and watch television—traditional media companies have been to staid in their positions to change their ways. At the end of the day for these folks, it is the profit margins and market share that matters, not the accuracy and impartiality of the news.

Again I think I've gone on yet another tangent. So, nerdy girls, sexy? Hell yes. Ida is one helluva sexy geek girl/nerd girl, and she always makes me happy whenever I see her. I can literally spend the whole day looking at her without feeling bored.

I shall end on the cliff-hanger.

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