Thursday, September 09, 2010

Late Night Keyboard Mashing

I suppose it is a strange feeling when I start to review the visitor logs for the websites that are under my control. Most of the visitors here are from folks who were looking for lyrics of some sort here and there, while of course there are the loyal few who keep following the blogs to discover my hijinks in this life time.

And then there are the visitors from some weird SEO link farm.

Compared to nearly four years ago, this is a drastic drop in the level of interest in people in looking at the things that I am willing to share. I'm not complaining much, and in some sense, it could be a blessing in disguise given my overall direction towards an isolationist/misanthropic policy.

It is only during the few moments of weakness (like when I'm tired or for some reason unable to sustain the necessary neurotransmitter cocktail that promotes happiness) that I am suddenly reminded of my mortality and relative unimportance in the greater scheme of things, up to and including the operation of the world.

To the loyal few who keep coming back to check on what's going on in my fast-becoming uneventful life, I thank you and hopefully there will be a day that I can meet you in real life once more, if we have been separated for some period of time.


I began this blog a few years back as a means of letting out steam in the ways that poems cannot, and it has seen me survive what is possibly the five most confusing years of my life thus far. I suppose that it is still fulfilling its purpose even today, and for that I am really glad this was one of the bandwagons that I decided to hop on nearly half a decade ago.

This blog has seen me through my epic failures in life, some of my triumphs and successes, and importantly through the moments in life when I had serious doubts on many things.

For many people, they seek solace and wisdom through their religion, but for me, I find it most cathartic to just talk about it, either on paper on in a blog like this. It is not so much that I need advice---often that is not the intent when I hastily put together a blog post such as this one. Somehow, having the words appearing in clear on the screen has a certain formal feel to it, allowing an almost retrospective style of thinking through things as I re-read and review what I just wrote to have a sense of what I was going to say.

No, I'm not implying I'm wise. I'm just extolling a little on the virtues of keeping a blog like this one.

In other news, I was recently introduced to Girl Genius. I think it is an awesome comic, because of the premise that the story is set in, as well as the rather cool art work and storyline. As you would have realised from the long list of web comics on the right panel of this blog's main page, I am an avid follower of web comics. Web comics have a certain calming effect on me---the surrealism they exude sometimes are a constant reminder that life itself is not always that serious, and that we should all learn how to laugh about something, anything. Maybe this is a release of the repression that I had to go through when I was younger, raised through a rather strict discipline. But of course, that is merely an academic exercise that is not worth expositing upon.

On yet another rather tangential topic, my social circle is fast shrinking like the aftermath of an aged star collapsing into a black hole. Sure, the sphere itself is shrinking, but the density (and thus intensity) of those who remain are increasing a little so I think there's nothing terribly wrong with things.

But then again, it's not necessary to be popular with everyone, right?

1 comment:

roticv said...

Work robs your life