Thursday, December 09, 2010

Awesomeness Day

You know how some days you just feel like crap, and some days you just feel completely awesome?

Well, today is one of those days. I am actually feeling awesome, even without having imbibed any caffeine (which I still ended up doing anyway just in case things go awry). It's a strange form of empowerment to feel awesome, especially during times where more often than not, one feels anything but.

But that said, it is likely to just be the calm before the storm, but let's just keep all the pessimistic thoughts at bay for now, right?

So another week is rapidly passing, and soon we will be in the year of 2011, where things are guaranteed to be much more complicated, among other things. But that's for another time for me to mumble about.

Anyway, I should best make use of this awesomeness and get even more work done.


Mohammad said...

Perhaps you should think of the other times as the storms between the calm? It is more optimistic and neither viewpoint is inherently more realistic since they are both equally valid (aka. real).


The_Laptop said...

Well I could, but some how it's just a little hard to envision calms moving to calms with storms in between---it seems to break something fundamental within I suppose?