Sunday, December 26, 2010

Crimbo Season

And so ends another Christmas, which to me, is just like any other day. Mostly.

I'm starting to get really apathetic towards most of the holidays that I am facing. To me, these holidays are just days in which I can spend on catching up on sleep, an enterprise that seems to be getting more and more relevant as time goes by, in spite of the various assurances that this would not be the case.

Perhaps my priorities are placed in the wrong places?

But yes, Christmas. Originally a celebration by the faithful for the birth of their saviour, it has been turned into the biggest mass consumerism event of the entire year. Yes, mass consumerism---the whole ``you should be getting gifts for, oh let's see... everyone?'' kind of perspective that retailers are trying to sell to the people. Bombarded with information that suggests that should one ``not get what one wants for Christmas means something is wrong'', people are subtly suggested to actually spend more during this time period than ever.

And it doesn't really take a genius to realise that.

Surprisingly, I find myself mildly affected by the entire scam perpetuated by the retailers into convincing us that we ought to get some things that we may not really need. But then again, it is likely because of a whole host of other reasons that make me spend just that bit more than usual. Not that I am complaining much (I am still complaining)---there's this intoxicating air that keeps pressuring the self unconsciously to just keep spending.

Anyway, enough of these mumbo jumbo. I need to head off and do more stuff that will relate to the future. Till next time, as always.


Mohammad said...

I also ended up spending more this month, quite coincidentally in my opinion. Or perhaps I was unwittingly drawn in. There are quite a few sales these days.

The_Laptop said...

I believe that the sale of luxury goods (under the usual economic definition) goes up during this period. It is highly likely that you were also affected by the general mass-consumerism feel of the season.

But if you are working enough to get the money back, I suppose it is still fine? How are you anyway?