Thursday, May 03, 2012

Almost There... I Wish...

Well the left eye is feeling better, but I need to watch myself a bit more. This fortnight of hell is starting to take its toll on me as I beat myself black and blue to get everything that needs to be done, done. I really cannot wait to put check marks (or tick marks) on that list that chronicles my death march to finally show that things are done and giving me a sense of achievement and purpose.

But the pain, the sleep deprivation, the mental anguish, the physical inaction---all these need to be faced first.

Once more I question my judgement on what I now term as the ``second semester syndrome'', where I inevitably overload my second semester of college/grad school. Saw that happen once, and it scarred me, and now, it seems like it is happening again. I really need to be more careful on my choices like this.

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