Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Still Alive...

It's kinda funny how one's perception of time changes when one has only slept around 5 in the last 48 hours. Each day feels as though it were twice as long when in fact nothing much has changed. The mind feels more awake for some reason, and the body loyally soldiers on, its fatigue of being sedentary alleviated through the many body conditioning exercises like the push-up, the squat and the crunches that comprise the breaks that I take in between sprints.

I hate this semester. Really really hate it. It's like freshman year in CMU all over again---overloading on the second semester and taking all kinds of flak for it. The pain is real, and as I get older, I was starting to think that I cannot actually take such brutality any more.

Oh how wrong was I!

It turns out that the training that I had been doing for months prior had conditioned my body to be just that little bit more resilient, and as long as I take cat naps at times when by mind is wavering, I'm pretty good to go without having to go for a good night's sleep. To feel young once more! It feels as though I had forgotten this aspect of my life. Actually, come to think of it, I never really had to deal with this aspect of my life because for the most part, I was ahead on things. It was only at times of duress that I started to falter and had all kinds of problems.

Anyway, I will expound more about this when I have completed... some things. till the next update.

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