Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Counter Tweaking 5×10 and Font Releases

I think by now, a theme be emerging, especially those who have been reading my blog entries.

I mentioned before on how I didn't manage to do the counter tweaking I did for my 7×13 font for my 5×10 font, and how I have no plans for it?

Well, I've gone done it.
I was not wrong before---tweaking the counter the same way that I did for my 7×13 font did look like crap because of the much smaller horizontal extent. The trick then was to be more careful in choice, and tweak no more than one of the junctions. As for b and d, I didn't even bother to do anything with them, which gives enough variation to make things look interesting and sufficiently different.

And speaking of tweaking, I finally decided to just release my pixel fonts for download at my personal domain. I've re-organised that ``computer stuff'' page a little, creating a new section for these pixel fonts, and putting my old console slim font in it as well.

Naturally, both the featured fonts have their associated glyph sheets, while I didn't bother for the console slim font because the code page that it supports (code page 858) isn't really well supported in not the [Linux] console. I did try to set it up as a Windows font the way I did for 5×10 and 7×13, but it was poor, so I've put it aside for now.

I think that's all I care to write about for now. I'm tired, even after having just taken a mid-lengthed break of nearly a week.

Till the next update then.

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