Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Solving the `m'-Key Problem?

So, sometime back I mentioned about how the `m'-key was reporting double triggering. I had a hunch that perhaps there was something that was trapped under the key that caused it to press on the underlying bubble membrane more than once when the angle of the key itself varied.

But I never really took any specific actions to take care of it. Or rather, I tried to take care of things without taking the obvious action that I ought to be taking.

Today, I finally got angered enough to do it. I pried open the key cap for the `m'-key, and used my electric blower to blow the crap out of it, before reassembling it all over again. I'll admit that I saw nothing out of the ordinary before nor after the blow out process.

But once I put the keycap back on and typed on it, the doubling problem went away.

Go figure.


I completed the main story of Chronicon using my Magic Find (MF) build. It was a fun diversion, like a cross between old school Diablo in gameplay but with Grim Dawn levels of quality of life updates. I am taking a break from it now because the DLC that I tried a little of was a bit too hard for my current MF-build. Plus I was basically pushing hard through the last act, where there were just so many enemies, even on the normal difficulty.

I'll definitely come back to it later.

Games wise, I've not played any in a few days. I might continue on the System Shock remake in a bit, but for the moment, I'm in the middle of doing quite a few transcriptions of hymns that need to be played over the upcoming fortnight. There are two reasons why I do the transcriptions:
  1. To fit the score maximally within a single portrait laid-out A4 paper; and
  2. To have a quick preview of how the piece sounds like.
The third unspoken reason is to further improve my Lilypond wrangling skills.

I've recently completed the book Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky, and loved it. It gave me strong Dragon's Egg vibes, with the narrative of an alien civilisation (jumping spiders and lovable amoeba (Cheela)), as well as their struggles, both the alien civilisations as well as the human ones. It also gave me strong Speaker for the Dead vibes as well, and as such, scratched my sci-fi itch in all the right places.

And I think that's it for this entry. The paucity of updates this month is largely due to the general lethargy I am feeling from having to deal with this unbearable consistent heat and humidity. Till the next one.

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