Thursday, September 28, 2023

Paying for a Moment's Folly

One more day, and it will be the weekend.

Meanwhile though, I'm paying the price of a moment's folly. So it is not really a secret that I have bad skin, and part of the badness of my skin comes from some allergic reactions to certain types of food. The actual list is confusing, but it can be easily reduced to this list:
  • No crustaceans;
  • No cephalopods except for octopus;
  • No peanuts.
So the moment's folly was to accept the soup-of-the-day from the Swensen's at Junction 8 where I had gone to for dinner on Tuesday.

Oh yes I'm paying for it. I'm getting rashes, and it itches like hell. It also doesn't help that the [ambient] temperature is going up as well---last I checked, the indoor wall temperature at around this time is still a toasty 31 °C.

Mind you, this is at 2319hrs local time, also known as ``roughly reaching stupid o'clock''.

I have my ways of mitigating this mess, but damn it will it take a while and lots of metaphorical bullet-biting discipline to keep things going.

That's all I really want to write; just a small note to remind myself that I cannot let up even for a moment when it comes to matters like this.

Till the next update.

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