Sunday, June 04, 2006

Partner for Life

Before everyone starts to think that my sexual orientation is a little suspect (especially considering the fact that I talk of Edythe as my "girlfriend"), I'd like to clear up the misunderstanding once and for all that I like not males, not objects, but females.

Yes, I'm nicely heterosexual, thank you very much.

I guess that in the first place, no one is going to care too much if I end up not liking guys or girls, but I realise personally that there is a need to affirm my orientation due to the fact that my actions have not commensurated with what I feel.

What do I mean?

I mean, at an age when my friends were all looking forward to meeting up with more "matured" varieties of the opposite sex, all that I was concerned with was being able to write bigger and better programs. And while my peers were enjoying their blissful tweenage (that's right, tweenage, no typo here) romance, I was busy planning my route towards a PhD in computer science. And when all the guys were swooning over the latest sweet young thing to hit the entertainment scene, I was eagerly looking up on the latest development in computer technology.

In short, I wasn't really living my age. Perhaps it was due to some personal insecurities, or that I was really too advanced for my age. Either way, I know that it is not exactly a healthy way of living life.

So now, I've resolved to change.

I'm going to rebuild what I missed out in those days. And I need to consider the fact that my choice of career means that I'd be unlikely to be spending too much time floating around without any tangible results.

What kind of tangible results am I referring to then? Well, to put it simply, I'd love to find a woman to love with all my heart, one to let me show my most passionate side. I may seem to be cold, intellectual, and perhaps a little aloof, but beneath that visible barrier, I am but a most passionate person indeed.

Let me find the one love whom I seek, or let my one love seek me...

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