Friday, July 14, 2006

Happy, sad, happy... which...

Well, today's a strange day. If you have noticed the expunges that I have, I rarely talk about a day's worth of happenings; this is hardly a diary but more of an expository vehicle for me to just say what I want to.

Okay, back to my narration. Today's a strange day. First of all, it was a second trip to the US Embassy to sort out on my Student Visa (the first time was a wasted attempt due to a silly boo-boo that I don't even want to talk about). The registration process was arduous, no thanks to the many SIA students who obtained the wrong type of queue number. That sort of stalled the processing a little.

No. That was not bad enough. The computers at the Embassy were all not working. Amazing, this is what Xiaolu calls the MTE (Mun Thye Effect), a hitherto undocumented phenomenon that affects general purpose computers. Put simply, if a general purpose computer has "met" Mun Thye, it will sputter and die.

And die those Embassy computers did. So, I need to return tomorrow for my interview portion of the visa. What a pain...

And so, it was time to get to the travel agent's to pay for the air tickets. What I saw on the advertisement of the train irked me.

Man... I mean, isn't this kinda pushing the limit on what can/cannot be advertised in a very visible and public area? It's on the MRT for crying out loud, and there are as many children/teenagers as there are adults on the train. While the advertisement isn't really sleazy, but it does seem to be a little wrong to be put up in such a public area, especially when the product that it is showing is something that is more likely to be exclusive to adults than to the general public.

Oh well.

After the airtickets were dealt with, it was time to sign the deed for my scholarship. The deed was signed, and now I'm proud to announce that I am an A*STAR scholar.

The evening was strange enough. I was to meet LL, JJ, KX, WH and YJ for dinner. Well, one of the reasons was a get-together session, and the other is to pass them the tickets to my concert that is coming up. What ensued made me more than just a little sad.

I had told LL about the concert about two months in advance. Initially, she forgot to tell WH; that was rectified soon enough. And then, a bombshell today; turns out that WH and her cannot come on that day due to someone's birthday party.

*sigh* What can I say?

Disappointment hit me like a cold brick. I had never asked any of them to attend any of the other concerts that we had; this time, the concert is special. The concert is the last time that I'll be playing with my orchestra before I set out on my studies. It is a swansong, my swansong, a last performance. I wanted to share with them something that was a part of my life for more than a decade. I did what I could to prevent a clash of schedules by keeping them updated early.

Yet... the very thing that I sought to prevent still occurred. Perhaps it was fate that I would always be second-string in the band of brothers? Already I felt left out from the group; they were all from VJ's PA crew, and seemed to be interested in things that I wasn't, like online games, comics, manga and anime. And little little stuff that keep showing up (lack of information for gatherings, little energy for gatherings, talking in specialised cliques) seems to be a subtle hint that perhaps it is time to rethink my roles and ideals in this "brotherhood" thing. The more I look at it, the more it seems that I was never really inclusive into the group in the first place. But I think that... I may think too much on this. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss, and I think I'll just stick to that policy and not give myself unnecessary anguish.

The day ended with a pool shoot out with JJ and YJ. The rough ordering of power is JJ, me and YJ, with JJ practically pwned by everyone *evil grin*. The last but one bout between me and JJ was a loooooooooooong one. At the last point, the balls were thus:

The next shot made it look like this:

What rubbish...

So, you tell me, should I feel happy, sad or something else?

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