Tuesday, August 22, 2006

NaNoWriMo Warm-up Snippet #4

I begin:
... He stood in the middle of the lawn, halfway around the world, lost in his own thoughts as much as being lost in the crowd. The midday sun was scorching hot, yet he felt no heat as the cool breeze brushed by. The throng of people seemed to be non-existent; all that he could saw was her face, her beautiful eyes and her soft smile, and all that he could feel was the warmness of her breath when she spoke, and the soft and delightful sensation when she touched his hand, and all he could hear was the passion in her voice when she spoke of her favourite subjects.

The breeze died. It grew warmer. He was still in the middle of the lawn, completely engrossed in his thoughts of her. He didn't notice his friend approaching him from behind, didn't notice his friend quietly stepping up close, and didn't notice his friend poised to strike.

Tap tap on the shoulder. "Hey! Ready to go?"

"?! Argh... why did you have to— oh well, nevermind, let's go."

His daydream shattered, he turned around and started following his friend, who was already ahead. Silently, he muttered "I miss you so much dear" before he quickened his pace to catch up. ...

Inspired by location in CMU

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