Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Poems in 3 months >> Poems of last year

It might seem to be a bit odd, to be blogging ever so often, particularly during the wee hours of the day like which I am doing now. Suffice to say, I think that it would be an interesting experiment if I just wrote as much poetry as I could and see how far can I go for each month. I used to think that I could only write long rambling poems, but throughout the last three months I realise that I have managed to write more than just that. Ironically, the poems that I write recently are particularly terse and Haiku-ish, a marked difference from the past. Perhaps it could be due to the way with which I view life nowadays; somewhat serene, somewhat detached, and somewhat accepting of what is the given, yet at the same time having just enough of the edge to want to do things that can make a difference.

I thought that I could live without writing, but I am so sorely mistaken. In fact, writing is now more than just a past time; it is also my conduit of releasing ideas and pent up stresses into words. I think I said something like that before, but I'll just say it here again anyway.

So, this week is really the start of the last week of official class; next week are the finals. It seems strange to realise that I've actually been in Carnegie Mellon for the last 8+ months. Ah well, time flies (as always) and soon it'll be time to return home for the summer, and then it's back here again, and ad nauseum until I have obtained by Bachelor's Degree.

Alright, after spending time with Alice and working on the damn chess-bot program for one of the programming courses, I need to catch some sleep. Need the energy to be able to enjoy the thrills of playing with liquid Nitrogen. Till then...

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