Friday, December 28, 2007

When it Ends... I'll be Left to Be Sad

All good things, as they say, must come to an end, eventually. And so concludes the wonderful story of Daria, one of the better cartoons that I've seen so far, where the storyline behind each episode actually made sense, and was not based on purely slapstick humour.

65 episodes and 2 made-for-tv movies later, the show has ended. I just feel so sad.

Beginnings always scare me; endings always depress me. This is the thing that I know for a sure fact. There's always this timeless feel when one's in the middle of things, that things somehow "worked out", and there was always something to look forward to. I guess this carries over a lot into real life, with so many things to prove it.

Which is why I'm afraid of starting new things. I know that when it ends, I'll become one of those nervous wrecks, and that thought horrifies me lots.

Alright, revealing too much about myself already. Maybe some other time.

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