Saturday, August 07, 2021

Second Jab and Jupiter Hell Version 1.0

Hey, check it out! Yet another stupid o'clock blog entry!

Well, yes and no. Yes as in, you are definitely reading an entry that was published at stupid o'clock, no as in I did not write this entry at stupid o'clock.

The same can be said for all the other ``regular timing'' posts for the week that just passed us by.

You see, on one of these days, I had taken my second dose of Comirnaty. I don't want to state on exactly which day that I took it, so I prepared five days' worth of blog posts to be published on schedule accordingly.

This post isn't prepared that way, but it is scheduled to go out at stupid o'clock of Aug 07.

By this time fourteen days later, I would be termed as being ``fully vaccinated''. That date shall be set as not earlier than Aug 20.

So far, I am only getting a bit of brain fog from my body's reaction to the second dose, in addition to the usual soreness of the deltoid muscle from getting traumatically poked with the needle. The heart palpitation-related feelings will probably start coming in some time next week, if the effects of the first dose are of any indication. Interestingly enough, they did update their instructions in the information booklet to avoid doing anything strenuous for 7 days, up from the original 12--24 hours. The weather has been somewhat kind---it's still hot and humid, but it hasn't reached the levels of discomfort that would drive me insane, though I have been chugging stupid amounts of water and sleeping as much as I could to mitigate everything.

Incidentally, there has been a rash of updates on the control measures just on Friday. They include:
  1. Relaxation of dining restrictions to groups of 5 for ``fully vaccinated individuals'' from Aug 10 (the unvaccinated can still gather, but in groups no larger than 2, and not for dining in);
  2. ``Fully vaccinated'' status being applied to all vaccines that are currently approved under the WHO emergency list (still requiring the two weeks of waiting time from the last dose to be truly considered ``fully vaccinated''); and
  3. Relaxation of stay-home notice execution processes for 8 countries when the travellers are ``fully vaccinated''.
All these are good news for sure, since it is an actual sign that there is actual movement towards something that is commensurate with the progress we have made in fortifying the people against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The only missing step, I think, is the declaration that after a certain date, the task force will no longer focus on active measures to reduce severe cases and death, since the associated risks have dropped enough to the point that they are no higher than base levels of a seasonal/controlled pathogen, which makes reacting to them with strict control measures a strong case of over-reaction that is not at all helpful to bring things back to a better level of functioning.

But I'm not expecting that any time soon. It is political suicide to say things like that directly---what I am expecting is the gradual narrowing of the wiggle room for stubborn naysayers to comply or continue to pay their own price. But that's talk for a different day.

All I want to say is, after waiting for nearly three quarters of the whole year, I have finally received my injection. And as predicted, I (and my demographic, really) are indeed among the last in priority to receive the government sponsored vaccination injections. Ah well.

This concludes the deliberately scheduled posts to ensure that even if I had been knocked out cold from the effects of the second dose of Comirnaty, I would still keep my daily write-up streak as promised to myself.

I will get back to my regular programming soon.


In other news, Jupiter Hell has its first version full release today/yesterday! As at the time of writing, there is a 20% discount, and I strongly recommend folks getting it to play, not because I was a whale-level supporter of the game, but that it is hard but fun.

Want to play first person shooters but never had the reflexes, or like board games but feel chess is too mundane with the fixed everything, why not consider the rogue-like that is Jupiter Hell? You get to shoot monsters, have lots of time to think before you move, and yet have enough variety to keep replaying it. There is no meta-game element that requires grinding enough early runs so that later runs can be easier---each run is as standalone as it gets. All more runs unlock are bragging rights and more difficult challenges.

So, why wait? Go grab it before that 20% discount goes away! And version 1.0 isn't going to be the last version either---I've talked with Kornel Kisielewicz recently about how things were going, and he's told me that the things that were promised in the Kickstarter will be done right in later updates instead of being rushed in to get out of the door. Might not sound like much, but I've been a fan of his work for years, and so far, he hasn't disappointed; I see no reason why he would do that now.

Anyway, if you can't tell, I am excited for Jupiter Hell, and I think that you should too.

Till the next update then.

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