Sunday, November 26, 2023

Out of Spoons/Empathy

Okay, it's the time of the year where I'm prone to getting maudlin. I could say, ``Wait, I can explain!'' but after nearly eighteen years here, just read the damn archives.

Grumpiness aside, I was assaulted on all fronts by the many sub-twelve children. It was... annoying, to put it mildly. As clichéd as it sounds, I blame the parents. These children were screeching, talking rather loudly, and all without much control by their parents.

``But MT, taking care of children is hard! Have some empathy!''

I'm shit out of empathy after two days of classes relating to being a manager. And honestly, I was a little disappointed. The content was fine; there were some interesting things to think about. But man, the contextualisation of it all was sooo typically gaslighting. Again, it is consistent with the brand in terms of where the classes were offered and the background of the instructor, but it doesn't mean that it felt right. Naturally, work must dominate the reason of existence of one's life, and ``work-life balance'' is some woke shit that is terrible for everything, and it should be ``work-life integration''.


As I said, it's on brand, as disappointing as it was. But I'm always of the opinion that something good can almost always be gleaned from any circumstance, no matter how good or fucked up they are, and in that sense, I was not disappointed. The other participants of the class naturally made me realise that there is much of the world that does not revolve around [infocom] technology, and also everyone seemingly thinks of AI as some kind of magic genie.


Thus, I am absolutely out of fucks left to give. Having young children screeching about on public transport is just terrible, and this is coming from someone who was already shoving well-fitted ear plugs in their ears. Yeah, it was not pleasant.

In my previous post, I briefly talked about this year's NaNoWriMo entry. I won't talk more about my entry specifically (go check it out from the usual place), but talk a little bit about a controversy that had been brewing in the background. Apparently there had been some moderators on the forums who were doing some shady stuff with respect to the Young Writers' Programme (YWP). Complaints were raised, nothing was done, the Board was activated, the Panic Button was smashed, and much of the forums came to a stand still during one of the most high key periods of its use as the Board figures out what their reaction should be over the American Thanksgiving week.

Naturally, other grievances got tossed into the mix as well, and I frankly do not know what to say about them. Some of these grievances included things about inclusivity, and about how the Code of Conduct (CoC) should be updated to reflect that, as well as to ``other'' (my terminology) groups that are ``generally known to be discriminative for one reason or another''. It's a clusterfuck.

I can sort of start to see why the older one gets, the less liberal one's tendencies get, with a general shift towards conservatism. Some of the stuff said by the liberal-minded is batshit insane, as though they had forgotten about the fact that humans are gonna human, exploiting any and all rules that they can to their advantage. Now this does not mean that the conservative-minded are sinless---they are batshit insane, but for wholly different reasons.

The only thing I will say to these all is: what the fuck, man!?

But I digress. I'm seriously contemplating whether to continue with NaNoWriMo next year. It's not so much as I'm running out of stories to tell (this is but a small reason), but that NaNoWriMo is starting to lose what is fun about it. I'm sure I wrote some time back when they did their website and forums update a few years back, and it wasn't good. And now, software aside, the people are starting to get weird too. If this all gets to a head with all the fun gone, why should I continue to expend energies on it?

That all said, this will be a question that I will only need to answer next year, so I'll just leave it for now.

I suppose that's all for now. Till the next update then.

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