Friday, December 01, 2023

End of Another Week... Yay...

Ah... another week is over. And we're now officially in December. Last twelfth of the year to go before the pseudo-cycle begins anew.

Am I officially ``done'' with 2023? That's an interesting question... what does it mean to be ``done'' with a year? Does it mean that when the pseudo-cycle begins anew, it somehow is a reset of some sorts, that some of the old problems go away in the sense of the reset, while new opportunities show themselves?

If that's what it means to be ``done'' with any particular year... then I suppose not. Just because an arbitrary time-centric odometer increases by one integer step does not mean that it is truly ``anew''---that's just something we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better. The truth is, the problems we had are still around, the issues we wanted to resolve still await us, and the future is still as far away as before, unless we have some specific quantifiable goal in mind.

That said, I've been living on borrowed time anyway. I move projects forward, hoping that these projects benefit their target audiences, while I sort of reached the point in life where if I suddenly were to die now, I'd go quietly with no regrets.

I mean, what's there to regret? All in all, I think I've lived a pretty full life. So what if I'm not married with children... being single doesn't mean that one cannot live a full life. So what if I'm not some wealthy fellow, or a business owner, or famed anyone---why would anyone need to be in any of those states to be considered living a life without regrets? I mean, sure, money is useful, but it's still mostly a means to an end, and shouldn't be an end to itself, for therein lies madness and great evil.

``MT, why're you getting all maudlin again?''

It's the end of the year; it is a confluence of Christmas, New Year's, My birthday, and Chinese New Year. Naturally, it's when I just age hard like a mofo.

Aaaaaaanyway, end of the week. I'm down with something again, and I'm just plain angry. I'm still chalking it to just some kind of cold, and am going to run with that. My strategy of getting through this is to literally be too angry to be sick, so that's that.

I think that's all I feel like writing now. Till the next update I suppose.

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