Monday, June 11, 2007

Another Quick Post

Ah, it's been a while. Things have happened along the way. Let's start slow and fill in the details as they come.

First of all, I've managed to upgrade my aging Samsung SGH-640 phone to the slightly newer Motorola L6. I wanted a clamshell phone to protect the main LCD from all the rough and tumble that I'm used to, but apparently they don't have that anymore. So I was stuck choosing the standard style or the sliding type. I picked the standard style as I found the sliding style a bit too weird for my taste. And among all the standard "brick" styles, I chose the Motorola L6 because it closely resembles the Motorola V195 phone that I have from T-Mobile in the United States. Well, by "closely resembling" I do mean that the keypads work similarly, which means that I do not need to relearn the keying that I've been used to for over eight months with the V195.

Second, I've kinda picked up a clarinet to play just for fun. It's an interesting instrument, but the fingering seems to be simple yet complicated. Unlike the saxophone which has really complicated fingerings with so many different things to push with all the fingers + palms + base of fingers, the clarinet uses only the fingers/finger-tips to do all the pushing, but with a twist. For instance, the left thumb needs to be placed in an odd position so as to be able to both cover a hole and press on an additional key slightly higher up in order to play the higher notes. This is bad for me because my thumb is really straight and can't really be adjusted to that level, but well, I guess that it is just a matter of time before I actually get used to it.

I think I'll end for now. Got a bit too lazy to finish this one up... >.<

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